[color=ed145b]"Thank you, perhaps we could meet after breakfast to discuss some business? I would be honored to meet the mistress of the house,"[/color] Suzy replied to the butler's question. She then turned to where the younger girl had half-hidden herself and smiled. [color=ed145b]"I have to admit that it hurts a little, but whoever cleaned the wound did a fine job. My name is Suzanne by the way, and I want to thank you both for opening up the manor to all of us poor souls caught in the storm last night."[/color] As she said the last part, a shiver ran down Suzy's spine. She shook it off as a draft in the old manor. A heartbeat later, two men entered the dining room from opposite sides. From the same door that Suzy had come through moments before, a rather scraggly looking man sidled into the room. He was the same height as the attorney's assistant and had the appearance of a starving street urchin. Suzy was able to conceal a look of surprise, but her mind raced with questions as to how the man had reached such a state. From the other side, a slightly shorter man wearing an apron and carrying a tray full of presumably breakfast entered with a smile. The tray was piled high with freshly baked scones. [color=aba000]"I think I might have gotten ahead of myself, I hope the guests are hungry,"[/color] Anton laughed as he placed the giant tray onto the center of the dining room table. With his mind of the job at hand, Anton failed to notice the two new occupants of the room. Instead, he quickly turned and headed back through the door to the kitchen, calling behind him to Kest, [color=aba000]"Could you send out word that the food is hot and the drinks are cold?"[/color] Anton had pulled yesterday's milk from the ice box and had chilled some lemonade to go with breakfast. He had also made several pots of coffee and tea, choosing to give the newcomers options. All of this he brought into the dining room in baskets along with sugar for those that wanted it. The kitchen still smelled strongly of scones as Anton had hidden a basket in the pantry for his fellow workers.