[b]"Spencer Parker huh? Name's Donny."[/b] The young hunter looked at the dapper gent, curious as to where he got his suit. He seemed more lucid then half the people in this village, though Donny hasn't gotten a chance to meet the locals. He was certain Spencer had some big dark secret, like he was actually a monster in disguise or sacrifices villagers for some profane ritual for immortality. He was also curious as to what Donny was doing with all this junk he found. As he was about to explain, Maribel came out and joined them. She seemed angry that Donny left her behind, which brought a smile to his face. Maybe she did care. [b]"Ah, sorry about that [i]Sakar[/i]. I was just gathering some stuff to make weapons into, ya know? I mean... Far as I can tell, I'm stuck in this [i]sodding gloopy[/i] dump and gunna [i]krump[/i] whatever men or monster comes by to cause a mess. If my first [i]drat[/i] with that ugly thing at the tavern is any indication, I'm gunna need some extra help, savvy? Anyways..."[/b] Gathering up his things Donny spotted a table not too far away. The moonlight illuminated the spot well enough, though having an actual source of light would always be appreciated. He walked over to this spot and dumped his things there. [b]"When it comes to tools and crafts, I got what I need. Might not be as useful for a bout, but I'd reckin I know a thing or two about fixin up stuff as weapons and whatnot. Least, that's what feels natural... Say Maribel, you say there's no smith around here, right? Well guess that means I'm the next best thing, less you know where to find a guy. I mean, these weapons gotta come from somewhere, aight? Anywhoozies, if ya [i]oddy-knocky[/i], how bout you stick with me, poke me with questions? Who knows, I might just remember something."[/b] Regardless if Maribel actually was going to stick around to talk to Donny, he started to get to work on his new inventions. The first thing he did was work the shovel heads off the shafts since he wouldn't need them. Though he would save those for later; they were solid and sturdy bits of wood and could be used for other weapons or projects down the line. With two wooden shafts the potential were endless. [b]"Also top hat,"[/b] Donny was referring to Spencer. [b]"I just got here. Only other hunter I know is Roless, and I don't know where he went. Never heard about this Ravine, and if there are already others ahead of me, no sense chasing after them. Dangerous to go out there alone, don't cha know? Also, you wouldn't happen to have a metal barrel or something I could start a fire in? Need someone to hold heat in. Something big."[/b]