It seemed that the pair were destined to attend this fancy breakfast, no matter what they wanted, or tried, to do. Smiling at his companion, [color=ed1c24][i][b]"Breakfast it is, no need to rush for fresh air an' all."[/b][/i][/color] He didn't like shirking off his habit, but to be fair, he didn't even know if they actually had animals in the barn. Looking toward the scowling maid, [i][b][color=ed1c24]"Lead away, Miss."[/color][/b][/i] He accompanied Emma in comfortable silence, preferring not to speak while following the living embodiment of a scowl. The woman led them into the dining room, and Logan thanked her kindly. He could smell bacon, and some sort of fruit pastry, as he eyeballed the table, trying to determine where to sit. Many were open, and it not being his home, it would not be proper to take the head or foot of the table. He decided he'd wait on Emma to pick first. As was his usual nature, he'd pull out whatever seat she selected with a smile and a nod, before sitting across from her. He poured himself a glass of milk and nabbed a slice of toast, while watching and waiting for everyone else to arrive, and he could start his meal proper. He saw the scatterbrained woman from earlier, and wondered if she'd managed to calm herself. He flashed her a smile as he bit into his buttered toast, the perfect amount of crisp and soft. Maybe he could find her later, and offer to aid in her relaxation. A good shoulder rub, a skill he'd perfected years ago, could easily lead to much more. He saw two other men and noticed that no one was being especially sociable. With the servants, that wasn't much of a surprise, they were working after all. Jovially, after swallowing his current bite, [b][i][color=ed1c24]"So did y'all get caught in the storm as well, if you dun. mind my askin'?[/color][/i][/b] It seemed odd just how many were here that he didn't recognize. The village wasn't large, and he knew pretty much everyone that lived there. But it mattered not, they were all here now, and would be enjoying what he imagined would be an excellent meal. He'd try his chances with a few of the women, and depending on how that went would determine when he would try his luck to return home. As the table filled up, with everyone else arriving, he made sure to cast a casual glance and sly grin toward Emma. It would be rude for her to think he was ignoring her after all.