[center][img] http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b503/sleepingtusk/cooltext120130320062345_zpszewpgnd8.png [/img][/center] Rain tilted her head to the side ever so slightly as she inspected the sea creature, her eyes sought out possible signs of weakness or means of attack hidden behind the obvious. Were it scales hard enough to count as armour? Could it deflect magic? Were its eyes well protected? She turned to look at the newcomers on deck as their hasty footsteps pounded to a halt close by. Her eyes grazed over Vicki's katanas, working them into a plethora of plans forming within her mind, next she glanced at the peeved otaku wearing sunglasses as he pulled out a pistol...though she wasn't really familiar with firearms she could have sworn this one looked a bit...odd to say the least. She was still getting used to how the outside world worked, her people were too prideful to rely on anything but their own teeth and claws... As someone else came on deck and yelled at Vicki, she looked him over briefly before turning her attention back to the serpent creature that had been quietly watching them all appear. She listened out for Vicki's plan, consciously reminding herself that she wasn't in charge here and to keep her opinions to herself. [color=skyblue]"What are you waiting for?"[/color] The werewolf murmured under her breath, when the creature suddenly dove into the water her eyes narrowed and she instinctively shifted her feet further apart to brace herself against any impact. Luckily she caught sight of the strange crystal attached to its tail, it looked...unnatural to say the least. As the boat rocked Rain wobbled for a moment, unaccustomed to sea travel as it was [color=skyblue]"Does all your wildlife have crystals sewn onto them?"[/color] She asked Vicki making her way to the opposite side of the boat to search for the creature again, uneasy about it being out of sight, she rested her hands against the cool metal bars though wasn't foolish enough to lean too far out as she stared at the calm blue water below. Keeping an ear on the others Rain quickly glanced around her, inspecting the layout of the boat and looking for anything useful...there were many differences between her and her kinsman. [color=skyblue]"You, gun man, what kind of a punch has that thing got?"[/color] She asked Ryuu, raising an eyebrow at him Her ears twitched as she caught onto an unfamiliar voice, it took her a few moments to catch where it was coming from [color=skyblue]"It,ta,st,do,ki,ki...it has to ki...ki...kill?"[/color] Rain repeated, feeling her forehead crease as she tried to piece it together. [color=skyblue]"It...ta...st...do...ki...ki"[/color] She murmured pronouncing each word with emphasis, in her mind the words kept forming the same sentence 'it has to kill'. [color=skyblue]"Anyone else hear that?"[/color] the blue haired woman asked, briefly glancing over her shoulder and taking her eyes off of the water