When the Doctor asked if she was ready Nora had a bit of an overwhelmed smile on her face. Another planet was on the other side of those doors. This was a situation that she had never, ever considered herself being in, yet here she was. She was excited and terrified at the same time. "As ready as I'll ever be," Nora replied, grinning back, and the Doctor opened the doors. Nora looked outside, and instead of a planet she saw a white wall of snow. She had been been expecting the snow. Just not this much. Nora turned to watch the Doctor go and get the shovels and she took one when the other woman returned. She joined her at the doorway and started shoveling snow, attempting to make a pathway. With each shovelful of snow removed from the barrier more light from the planet's surface shone down onto her face. An alien sun... Despite the ache in her arms from all of the shoveling Nora smiled as the light shone onto her face. "Must be having a few flurries out there lately," she mused before pausing briefly to peer out of the door. "Are there cities out there? Like ice cities or something? I mean they have to make the hot chocolate somewhere." She dug through some more snow to clear the entire TARDIS doorway and admire the hole and pathway they had created with their shovels.