Andres rolled his eyes, surveying the courtyard below from a window, it was clear of people and training dummies lay strewn about. Three large cracks ran along the wall, one could tell when the Exalt had been training, much like her grandfather Chrom she had trouble hitting the dummies. he surveyed the Shepherds and withdrew his pipe blowing smoke rings he stepped out on to a balcony overlooking the yard. Jacob was walked briskly down the halls arriving in the yard, Andres had been waiting and without warning the Grand master threw a eruption of flames. However Jacob was un-phased as dove rolled and came up straightening his robes and dusting them off. He'd thrown a fire ball back but Andres cast a second spell, they met it in midair and the simply defused with a small burst of small fire. "So Andres, what are you playing it? Is another one of your games? I hope it's not another round of human chess, the Exalt was furious last time we used soldiers for that." For those unaware, the castle of Ylisse was anything but normal, servants had it easier than most of the soldiers. Andres grinned at his apprentice clapping his hands. "Not today, today we train like the men of Ferox." Jacob groaned, he was no muscle bound barbarian of the north. He was strong but Feroxi strong, the could put the Ox in the cart and pull both. The gates all dropped shut as Andres turned the crowd, blowing smoke at them all. "So, who will attempt to defeat the Champion of Naga. Or are you scared of the boy supposedly blessed by a god?" He cackled, he was either a genius or mad. Possibly both and he loved every second of it.