[centre]~|Day 2, 02:00-ish-7:30|~ ~|Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex|~[/centre] Sleep did not come easily to Andri, as she tossed and turned in the small but not uncomfortable bunk for what felt like hours before finally slipping into an uneasy sleep. Snippets of the discussion she’d had with Lea flitted in and out of her dreams, accentuated by images and half memories from her time travelling the galaxy as a diplomatic. They challenged her subconscious with thoughts she had never had before; was the Republic as good as she had been taught? Where the Jedi truly doing all they could for the good of society and the citizens as a whole? The black haired woman knew that the Jedi Order was for the most part passive when it came to dealings with the galaxy at large, preferring to step in only when absolutely necessary. Her Master had always urged for the Order to work closer with the Republic and the Senate, but she knew that the Senate could be bought off in favour of a corrupt entrepreneur. Was the Republic truly the best government the galaxy had to offer? She wasn’t sure, but she knew in her bones that the Sith were not the better choice, no matter how they may have presented themselves to Lea. Master Shodon’s latest and last apprentice’s last of faith in the Order and the Republic disturbed Andri. Perhaps it was simply because their Master had never completed the young girls training – Andri had never found doubt in herself over the Jedi or the Republic’s positions in the galaxy, as she had been taught everything the aged man had to offer her, and she had never doubted that the Sith were blood thirsty and thrived on chaos, and very few were ever truly able to be redeemed. Though it was her duty as a Jedi to offer the redemption wherever possible, it was also her duty to protect the galaxy at large and if that meant putting down one Sith for the good of a million citizens over offering the Sith redemption, she knew which option she would choose. Certainly, Andri had never heard the tale that Lea had told her about the Republic’s efforts to commit speciocide, but she could not believe them to be as victimised as they had obviously led Lea to believe. But who was truly in the wrong; the Republic who tried to exterminate a species and a way of belief that had threatened entire planets for so long and tried to destroy the Jedi wherever they went, or the Sith who, if Lea had been told the truth, were merely responding to years of attacks on their people by the Republic, which is backed by the Jedi Order? The thoughts kept running in circles through her mind, never letting her answer either way before switching tracks and bringing up another dilemma, and the Epicanthix woke feeling as though she had never slept in the first place. She scrubbed at her face, trying to remove the gritty feeling of a bad night’s sleep and not for the first time wishing she had learnt at least a little bit of Force-aided healing from her Master to get rid of the start of a headache. Master Shodon had told her plenty of times before that Force Healing was not to be used for minor things like a headache before, but she thought in this case he might have forgiven her. It wasn’t every day one woke up a prisoner of the Sith, and today was technically her second. She used the only technique she knew which could help her, and revitalised herself with the Force before swinging her legs out of bed. She grimaced at the taste that was left in her mouth after sleeping for so long, even if only a few hours of it were drugged, and how her tunic felt like it was sticking to her skin. Andri hadn't had a shower since she had left Korvaii after her last diplomatic mission had ended, which was a few days ago at least. Even if she hadn't done much physically, dirt and grime still accumulated on a person, and Andri could only hope the Sith were...kind enough to provide showers. The thought of a Sith being kind felt wrong in her mind, and she shook her head to remove it.