Flynn brings up his holographic visor and pushes a button on the side of it. Then he brings up his arm, where he adjusts his radio settings on his Portable Tool*. "Weird... That's a rather large frequency for a radio signal. It must be... Wait." He focuses on the incoming signals and raises an eyebrow. "Sounds like a distress signal or something, but... stronger. It's coming from this way." He runs towards some vines, pushes them aside and disappears behind them. "Aaaaaaaaah! Oh dear lord. Williams! Help me up!" 3Y3, who was left behind on the ship to assess the total damage, finally caught up with the tw-... well, one, and let Williams know of his arrival with a set of chirps and beeps. He notices the absence of Flynn, but then registers the cries for help. *((Omni Tool basically))