Williams looks at 3Y3 who just arrived,and gestures a follow signal as he runs towards where Flynn disappeared a second ago.He stands up so fast he gets dizzy,and falls in the mud. "Bloody hell!This fucking mud I say." He tsnads up ashamed as even 3Y3 lets out a happy chirp. He cuts a few vines and leaves in is way runnig towards the voices of Flynn. "Hold on buddy!I am coming" His legs get stuck in vines.And even more crawling up to him. He quickly swings with his knife leaving a few green chunks behind that look like sushi.He is only mere meters away from Flynn and he is looking at his HUD but the jamming is still on.Whatever is this distress signal it is blocking his Radar and Heat vision.With haste he almost falls in the hole where Flynn is.3Y3 chirps and boops with cheer as he sees Flynn,then it bumps into a tree. "Even his sensors are blocked.Wait a sec buddy!"