John listened to Cia as she spoke, quickly looking away from her any time she looked at him...though he had no idea [i]why[/i]. In the end, he found himself agreeing with her idea, though he felt it was a bit...small. [color=00aeef]"I also vote to expose Mallory,"[/color] John started, then glanced at Cia before continuing. [color=00aeef]"But, I don't think giving this information to just one person is gonna cut it...not unless Cinia can override other channels. We should dump the files anywhere we can; News stations, internet blogs, social networking sites, the local Newspaper...whatever..."[/color] He continued, then looked at Cia. [color=00aeef]"...Wait...[i]can[/i] Cinia hijack other channels?"[/color] In truth, John wasn't sure about what effect exposing Mallory would have on the population...after all, Callahan had the populace brainwashed pretty deep. They'd need to find some pretty dark shit in those files for this to have a good chance of working...and, actually, files on the Warden Program [i]might[/i] do the trick. If that didn't work, then maybe a count of the non-Gifted kills made by agents might add some effect...because that number would be surprisingly high, what with protective parents and...'accidents'. The DMA could practically cover up any death as the death of a Gifted and get away with it, although the public would most likely care less if the deaths were mostly Gifted supporters. This whole plan seemed to be quite the tricky ordeal...or maybe John was just overthinking it all?