[center] [img] http://i383.photobucket.com/albums/oo276/metalsonic2nd/nyx%20banner%20with%20text_zpstsw2wgcs.png [/img] [/center] Nyx grinned as she watched the leggy blonde whimper and buckle, her eyes welling with tears at the sight of her beloved all bound and bruised and broken. “Please.” She managed in a hushed voice, trembling and sweaty as the dark-haired detective held her back. The Faerie delighted in watching the pair move anxiously about, Detective Amelio nervously sitting his partner down in one of the rickety stools, trying his best to reassure her. He turned, casting a glance back at Nyxvira and her associates, striding boldly towards them and wrenching a chair out from the table before sitting brashly down infront of the obese Faerie herself. "Your name, fair lady?" he asked in a voice that oozed charm, His bright blue eyes staring confidently into her large golden orbs. “Nyxvira Bloodbloom, but you can call me Nixie, handsome.” She cooed. He seemed to consider that for a moment. "I'm at your service if you promise Ann lives. See, I love my partner dearly, and I'm afraid, if Ann dies, I'll never see Charlize happy again. But if she lives, I promise you, I'll be more inclined to do whatever you want, whether it be of a public or more...personal nature. I'll even let Ameilkas fuck me, if you want me too. I'll kill her while we fuck too, if you want it. Whatever you want, me and Johanssen'll try our best. But Ann lives...Please." This one was good; probably smarter than the snivelling blonde wreck who was slinking back in the shadows. He knew his place, and he knew the power that Nyxvira wielded. She’d earned the respect of this city, yet she never tired of seeing its people grovel at her feet. “Sorry, sweetheart, I don’t make promises when I’m the one calling the shots…which is you know, like, all the time.” Nyx said nonchalantly, flashing a quick smirk. She pushed her chair backwards, emphasising the sheer size of her stomach as it spilled out underneath the table. “Here’s how this is going to work, honey; you and blondie clear up this little situation for me, and I give the pixie-haired-priss back to her lovely lady, but my boys make house calls every now and then, just to make sure you aren’t saying anything you shouldn’t to people who’ve no business hearing it. I keep you both on my friendslist, and drop you a message whenever I need something…delicate to be taken care of.” Nyxvira scooped up another hearty mouthful of rice, scoffing it down in a flash, before belching loudly. “Because I’m such a darling, I’ll even let the charming Miss Charlize off of the hook once we sought out the specifics of this [i]personal[/i] business you mentioned.” She added brazenly, shooting Chase a sultry wink. Suddenly, the front door of the Golden Dragon flung open, and a bedraggled looking zombie in a ruffled up suit and hat came stumbling in, striding defiantly right through the crowd and straight behind the counter. Running himself a bowl of water, the zombie proceeded to cool his bloodied hands, whilst he sat casually down at the counter. Nyx’s shimmering gold eyes caught his cold dead ones, and he shrugged loosely. "What? Never seen a guy beat a werewolf to death before? And what the hell is all this? Did I walk into some sorta exchange?" He snapped in a surprisingly chilled tone. The group’s eyes collectively wandered outside of the takeaway, where the mutilated corpse of a man which had reverted back from its lycan state lay sprawled across the grimy pavement. “Oh.” Said Lady Sharrahonzu. “Well then.” Said Imarus. “Niiiice.” Said Vincent, nodding his approval. An uncomfortable silence fell over the eatery, which was lifted when a second, rather more decomposed, zombie came strolling in through the open door. "Hey, don't be such a rudeface and go introduce yourself to the guys, dumbass." The first zombie called out to his pal. "Oh, well, uh, I'm Benjamin Kiddo. I kill things for a livin', just like my pal here." The second zombie stammer rather awkwardly. "Yeah, great job, wonderful presentation, flawless execution, dumbass. Now lookie what we got here, Kiddo." Zombie number 1 called over to the walking corpse who’d called himself Kiddo. "Oh, what, Andy?" Kiddo chirped up, his eyes lingering over Nyxvira as he took in the large Faerie’s humongous frame, before settling on the bartering chip that was Charlize Johanssen’s flame. “Ooh looks like we got ourselves a little prisoner exchange, Andy." Kiddo said rather casually, inkling his head to the zombie he’d called Andy. "That's right Kiddo. Feels just like the good ol' days again, eh? Old fashioned, but 'ey it works." Imarus leaned over to whisper in Nyxvira’s ear. [i]“I told you it was dated.”[/i] [i]”You’re dated, you lanky skeletal fuck.”[/i] She hissed back. Andy swaggering up to Nyx, looking her over as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Nyxvira Bloodbloom. The big cheese of Chinatown. Last I heard of you, you were putting your grubby fingers into what was left of Old Feng's chest to pull out his heart. Now this? You sure have a knack for pulling this shit out of a fuckin' hat because I sure as hell didn't get a warning that you would involve the fuckin' SSPD in this shit, let alone bad cops. Next time you want us to meet you it better be without fuckin' guards." Her shot her a look of disapproval, before leaning in towards her, prompting Vincent to reach for his sidearm. "Besides, what're you so afraid of? In this business, it's better to accept death than be scared of it. Makes the, eh, transition a little bit less shocking." He added. The zombie paused for a moment, making sure he had the room’s full attention. "Now, Nyx, you got the two deadliest guys in the city right here in your shop. Kiddo 'n I, we're not gonna get involved in whatever shit is goin' on now. We're only interested in what you got with the Hunters. That's it. Ain't that right, Kiddo?" "You got it, Andy. Anything t'do with the SSPD ain't our deal. Our deal is the wolves. But, in return, we expect somethin'." Kiddo pipped up. His friend went wide eyed and started to say something, but Kiddo cut him off. "Just watch, Andy." He came swaggering up to Nyxvira as Andy took a seat, prompting her to raise one fiery eyebrow. "See, I've been havin' a problem recently with an undead bitch. This undead bitch almost made me shoot my pal Andy over there in the face back at the city's main power station. I'm sure you know who I'm talkin' about." Based off of the reports, she could tell where this was going. She grinned inwardly. "Now, y'see, I absolutely hate it when people double cross me. I ain't sayin' you did any a' this, but you've got more connections than any of us in here. What me 'n Andy want is simple: we do this shit for you, we deal with your Hunter problem, and in return, we want everythin' you know about the Cannonness. Names, addresses, locations, connections, everythin'. I've got more than my fair share of bones to pick with that bitch, and I'm sure you do too. Chinatown wasn't that far from the riots, last I heard. And the power goin' out? That was her doin' too." He strode back over to his partner’s side. "Simple deal, right? We take care a' the Hunters, you give us the stuff we need to take care of the Cannonness ourselves. Done deal, everyone goes home happy." "Not bad, dumbass. You're learnin'." Andy said with a slight smirk. "Oh please Andy, you know we both had ta do this for a livin'." He shot back. Nyx enjoyed watching the two zombie’s go to work. They had an elderly charm to them, like two old folks who’d been through thick and thin together, with a load of back and forth banter passed between them to help smoothen the journey. “Well, gentlemen,” The Faerie began, her great gut pulsing in and out with each breath she took. “You’re certainly right when you say I’ve got connections, and you’re also right to assume that I can get you what you want in regards to this ‘Canoness’, a name I’m sure you’re as sick of hearing as I am.” “There’s a very specific hunter I want you to take care of,” she continued in her sensual voice, linking her sausage-like fingers together. “My sources inside the lycan community tell me he goes by the name of ‘Brunkas’. Second-in-command to the Den Mother, and a royal pain in my gorgeously proportioned arse.” “He’s been rampaging up and down the Red Lights district, and giving me a real bitching headache.” She snarled, ripping some chicken satay off of a wooden skewer and gluttonously gobbling it down. “Take care of him and his cronies, and you’ll get what you want.” Nyxvira cleared her throat loudly, addressing the entire room. “We’ve got a long fucking night ahead of us, boys and girls, and it only gets rougher from here.” Her golden eyes flickered from person to person, taking in the group that had assembled. “I want results, not excuses. If any of you come back to me with anything other than what I’ve asked for then you’d better learn how to dig you way out of a shallow grave really fucking quickly.”