[center][b]Name[/b]: Axel Greenwood[/center] [center][b]Species[/b]: Half-Elf[/center] [center][b]Age[/b]: 16[/center] [center][b]Gender[/b]: Male[/center] [center][b]Appearance[/b]:[/center] [center][img]http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b365/Accursed/Sykes.png[/img][/center] [center]Axel is average height although he is about five feet and ten inches tall which makes his height a little above average in appearance. He has a woody hazel eye colour and light brown hair that hangs down to his neck his hair seems always to be well kept and is wavy and flowing like an ocean of light brown. Axel has a small slightly angled nose that is slightly upturned, although not to the point where one can look into his nostrils rather his nose is pointed upwards. He isn't fat but he isn't skinny either he is somewhat stocky but otherwise he is well built in the way that his waist is somewhat narrow and his chest is broad like a jock would usually have but only a little smaller. Although facial hair isn't really apparent Axel is an exception for the small goatee that he grows that is actual facial hair. Axel has a finely chiseled face with very prominent masculine features on his face such as a jutting chin and high cheek bones.[/center] [center][b]Faction[/b]: Entertainer[/center] [center][b]Personality blurb[/b]: Axel is charming and charismatic but not in a decisive or unlawful way he seems like a natural leader of his friends although he does not think that, he is friendly and humorous, he likes to eat and enjoy life. He genuinely loves music but doesn't love singing or playing instruments, he is outgoing and courageous. Cunning but not devious is a word often used when describing him others think of him neutrally. He is sly yet loves to make it apparent that he did something often leaving some sort of signature.[/center] [center][b]Biography blurb[/b]: Axel isn't the only child in his family and his older and younger brothers are the families pride, he is often neglected but he is cared for. He was born second after his older brother Mace and before his younger brother Barret, his parents favouring the youngest and being proud of the oldest but always expecting more out of Axel. He has developed his personality through time of being the person of his family that had to be in charge of most chores and having the rights to be in charge of the house mainly because his older brother was out most of the time and Barret had to be left with Axel. Schools were hard to stay in mostly because they weren't very good schools or Axel just didn't seem to be doing well which he never has done too well in school yet he was good at being the joker of the class and a priority because of his voice.[/center] [center][b]Powers[/b]: Axel can grant support to his allies allowing them to fix or resolve situations quicker with enough efficiency to succeed, he can use his voice to support someone's moral in something like a project or maybe even a fight so the person he is supporting has a slight chance of hitting with more accuracy or maybe deal more damage. Axel is able to charm people although they must resist it because people are able to resist some of his charm so people must save against his charm or be under his charm, which makes them fascinated by them meaning distracted temporarily unless they are attacked or moved.[/center] [center][b]Abilities[/b]: being an Entertainer he can entertain people by telling jokes or playing practical jokes on someone or even a group of people, he can also entertain to distract which isn't as effective as his charm. Also since Axel is technically and Elf he is slightly agile and cunning as elves usually are.[/center] [center][b]Weapons[/b]: a small stick (like a sap), and a sling.[/center] [center][b]Other[/b]: Likes listening to Frank Sinatra and Dubstep.[/center]