Nick didnt have anything to do today, so after throwing on some shorts and t-shirt with an ironic pokemon quote on it, he got out the door and started to stroll towards the tram station, he was going to head to shine junction and let the day take him wherever it wanted to. He wasn't a strict routine guy anyway, although he did have to swing by the Shine Academy to grab some files for his project. Nick checked his phone as it buzzed, it was none other than [b]Nori Haywood[/b] with an odd sort of compliment, Nick chuckled to himself and began to text back. His face was hot, even just reading her texts super exciting for him. [i][color=7ea7d8]Hey Nori, how exactly does one sound handsome? like if my voice put on some nice clothes maybe it could be handsome, but I doubt thats in the realm of possibility :P, What u up 2 today? I was thinking of going to the arcade, maybe join me for a game of Street Battler 2: Anniversery Edition? Let me know. -Nick[/color][/i] Nick borded the tram into shine jucnction and began to browse his phone, his BookFace page will still open on [b]Shizuka's[/b] profile, he counldn't help but stare for a few seconds before quickly opening another tab, on his smart phone.[i][color=00aeef]hmm maybe she would be at the academy today? Couldnt hurt to find out[/color][/i]. After going back to her page he sent her a direct message. [i][color=00aeef]Not sure if you remember me, but I'm Nick Weston, we spoke on the forum about my radio show, I'll be passing through the academy later to pick up some files for my project, don't suppose you would be there? I'd like to maybe explain a bit more about my show in person.[/color][/i] Nick's cocky funny persona went out of the window, he couldn't help but be serious and respectful with her, it was something about the way she carried herself. Nick went in his pocket and grabbed a stick of spearmint bubble gum and began to chew loudly on the train as he listend to music. He had his urge to do a quick radio broadcast, but decided against it, he wanted to try and just be normal for an hour or two. ****************************************************************************** Rosanna was jogging hard, and her body was bouncing accordingly to the rhythm of her heavy steps. Many male passerbys mouths were hanging wide open as she dashed past them, being sure to wink at any of them she thought were cute. She knew this was only a warm up though, she knew that she would have to go to them gym and actually get some real work done soon. So she sent [b]April[/b] another text. [color=f49ac2][i]Hey girl, I may have to come check you later before I go to the gym, hows the Mochavine looking right now? Busy? and when I say busy I mean busy with any hot guys ;) I fear if go there my hair is going to look a mess right now![/i][/color] Rosanna thought briefly about [b]Shou[/b] and if he would be around today, maybe he would wear his loose white shirt and have his hair all scruffy and sexy like he did last time. Maybe her hair wouldnt be so bad then, they might even make a nice match.....Rosanna quickly snapped out of her brief daydream and began to jog out of the entrance of the park and towards the high street.