That'll make it all the more special when we craft a chariot driven by twelve beholders. (Jokes! (For now...)) Who's starting? I think we should have a turn progression for at least one cycle, and once everyone has gone, we can open it up again. Does the most excellent Cuddle Pot wish to have the honors? It would make sense if he was the first one, since we could get a sense for the writing style. How do we feel about romances? We would have to create an NPC to romance with, and their behavior would change each turn change. Not to mention that people have different opinions on romance. (I'm always touched when someone brings their lover the heads of their old partners, but that's just me.) Corollary: How does everyone feel about making dramatic overarching changes to the world? Say, during someones turn, they create a rival kingdom, which invades us? That would totally spin the plot into a new direction. We're starting with a very basic world, which is giving us a lot of possibility to make it unique. How unique should we be allowed to make it? Would ret-cons be a possibility?