It was a shock hearing his voice in her mind but it was a nice feeling. Her feet moved then out of the cell and into the aisle. [i]Come along then stretch your wings. You have been couped up way to long.[/i] She looked up at him motioning towards the outside world. He had not moved out of this cell in quite some time and he deserved to. She wondered about the blue she had seen in his eyes for just a split second. But shrugged in moving out of the building. Dax looked at her as she opened the door to the cell. His eyes turned a dark green as he looked down at her. His eyes were tender or at least as tender as they could get. He leaned down and nuzzled her gently in thanks. [i]You were one of those misunderstood humans. And I thank you for getting me out of that cage.[/i] He meant every word said to her.