The noises in Rodrigo's head began as a light murmur. They were little more than indistinguishable gibberish. Meanwhile, Rodrigo ran to the lady, dropping his rifle, and putting his hand over the fresh bullet wound. The woman looked on him with both confusion and anger. Perhaps it was anger that she was being touched by her assailant; perhaps it was against her religion to be touched by a man. Nevertheless, Rodrigo was there, not only attempting to stop the bleeding with his hand, but to also stop the air from escaping from her lungs. The man had worked in an ER before, but had never had to deal with chest injuries before; The paramedics had already done it for him by the time they reached his workplace. Treating the woman was something a little foreign to him. Rodrigo reached into his pocket with his free hand to take out his phone, dialing 911. When someone answered his call, however, something else happened. Within Rodrigo's head, the voices began getting louder. They were screaming in fact and what was once indiscernible and seemingly chaotic became crisp and somewhat rhythmic. "Murder...murder...murder...MURDER...MURDER..." Rodrigo gripped the phone in his hands, and bashed the woman in the face with it, her head hitting the concrete with a loud thud as both blood and brain matter spilled over the ground. Quick and animal like, Rodrigo turned to face Pathos's direction once more. He made a face and an audible but low noise that could only be described as a snarl.