[center][IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/iwprvt.jpg[/IMG] [h1]The Beat[/h1] [i]"In the past, we'd secretly enjoyed putting down a local insurrection or two. They kept the troops sharp and the Empire feared, but these Rebels were different. They were organized, they were growing, and they were everywhere."[/i] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bzWSJG93P8[/youtube] It is the age of the Empire. The Seperatists and their leaders have been crushed, and have returned to the fold of the Empire. Only minor pockets of resistance remain. The Jedi traitors have been purged from the Galaxy. It is the age of the Empire. It is the age of peace. But we all know thats a lie. Thats why the we're here. We are the Emperor's fist. We patrol the Galaxy enforcing peace on planets that would otherwise be a chaotic mess. We are the first ones in the thick of battle when the Emperor's enemies rear their ugly heads. We face the enemy when they are at their strongest, and we don't stop until we achieve our objective. We are the Empire's finest. We are the Stormtrooper Corps. Welcome to the 121st Battalion, trooper, around here we call ourselves 'The Fists'. Specializing in enforcing martial law, domestic subservience, quelling uprisings, "adjusting" governments, or even toppling civilizations, the 121st is a military division of the STC that largely patrols the Outer Rim. The 121st a dreaded sight for any world to have the misfortune of harboring anti-imperial sentiment.​[/center] [hr] [h3]Plot:[/h3] We the players will play the role of stormtroopers from the 121st Assault Battalion, a group of stormtroopers patrolling the Outer Rim. What appears to be a routine deployment quickly takes a turn for the worse as our characters take for granted what appears to be only a small pocket of resistance. Our characters will face daunting challenges, testing their wit and willpower, as well as their morals as they are pushed to their absolute limits in this RP that shows us the perspective of the "bad guys". [h3]Technology and Organization[/h3] [b]Organzation:[/b] The Players will play as members of single squad within the 121st Battalion, the Order of Battle is as follows: - 121st Battalion [indent]- Bravo Company [indent]- 1st Platoon [indent]- 2nd Squad[/indent][/indent][/indent] [b]Equipment[/b] Standard gear available to the 121st: [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Stormtrooper_armor]Stormtrooper Armor[/url] [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/E-11_blaster_rifle]E-11 Blaster Rifle[/url] [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/SE-14r_light_repeating_blaster]SE-14r Sidearm[/url] [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Baradium-core_code_key_thermal_detonator]Thermal Detonators[/url] Limited availability Equipment: [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/T-21_light_repeating_blaster]T-21 Repeating Blaster[/url] [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/DLT-19_heavy_blaster_rifle]DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle[/url] [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/E-11s_sniper_rifle]E-11s Sniper Rifle[/url] [hr]