[quote=@Henwen] Okay this is all sorts of fantastic Spud. [b][i]MIRANDA?![/i][/b] Serioulsy you are the best! I'm gonna takes some liberties about what the cargo was and how things went down for Valko's perspective. Also just a quick clarification as to where the good Dr. Loire is? Is he on the docks or walking through the streets? [/quote] ;) hehe so you got that reference!! WOO I'M CLEVER :3 hehehee Do whatever you like my dear!!! The cargo and what went down from Valko's perspective is totally a free for all! Loire is or around the hotel (yknow the one at port hanshan its literally just beside the port so he's not far away ;) ), not sure how she'll discover he is a doctor though ... didn't quite think that one out, if you want an NPC to encounter him or something to "out him" as a doctor thats fine.