After dealing with Morgan, Yoshino and Retsu returned to school, but parted ways before arriving. Despite their alliance, Retsu intended to keep their relationship a secret. It was better this way in the event that one of them falls or gets compromised. Plus Retsu liked the freedom of being independent. Retsu was going to head straight to class, moving side to side through a wave of students. But as she got closer she stopped. Not too far away, saying goodbye to some other students, was Asahi. The big, fat boy of a brother. His plump and chubby face was jolly and outgoing, but his constantly shut eyes hide a certain vile sickness, like a dirty bomb that just needs to be triggered to explode. The two looked at each other, knowing that a confrontation was at hand. Retsu walked onwards while Asahi stayed where he was standing. When they got closer, they exchanged words. [b]"Sis."[/b] [color=black]"Don't talk to me."[/color] [b]"C'mon now, is that any way to talk to your brother? Can't you at least say hi?"[/b] [color=black]"I have nothing to say to you."[/color] And with that Retsu left Asahi behind. He sighed and laughed it off, but inside he felt angry towards his sister. That bitch that’d dared have an attitude like that with him. Who does she think she is, that she can just go off and disrespect him like that? She knows very well who he was. Did she thing being his sister meant she was going to be let off easy? Well... It's not like Asahi was really that pissed about it. But he does think Retsu needs to be knocked down a peg. Chuckling as an idea formed, Asahi headed to class himself. Classes passed by without much of an event occurring. Like any other school, the residents of Purple Crown Academy couldn't wait until that last bell rang to signal the end of the day. And it was Friday too! That meant a whole weekend of straight up DGO and cramming for those tests on Monday morning. For Yoshino Tsugumi, it meant yet another two days of defending or representing her client. Going through her paper work was always just barely manageable, especially with her having to take classes and directing everything else. Taking a small break, she glanced at the clock and noted the moving hands. Well then, it was just about time to give her status report of Deep Ground Online and assure everyone's fears. And then....then things would be put in place. She was even about to send the mass message when a sudden knock on her door gave her pause. "Student President? There's someone here to see you." [color=8493ca]"Put them on hold please. I'm in the middle of-"[/color] "It's Chiyo Kuroke." That caught her attention instantly. The White King herself wanted to speak to her? Immediately, alarm bells began to go off in Yoshino's head and she slowly retracted her mind from sending the message, saving the file to a folder in her chip. This should prove interesting. [color=8493ca]"Let her in,"[/color] Yoshino announced. Entering the office was Chiyo, the White Queen. Some would even call her Empress, and while it was mostly in jest, it made some sense. In Deep Ground, Chiyo was really into her role as the leader of the Ivory Masks and all those who would think to represent the color of white. She was so immersed in fact that she had waged war against other similar Guilds to be the only one. She's much more casual about it nowadays, but those who were with her from the very beginning know that the title of Empress wasn't just for show. She had subjecgated and assimilated at least fifty 50 player groups before earning the true title of the White Queen. And now she was in the office of Yoshino, representative of the Black King. While Yoshino was stern, Chiyo was downright casual. They both almost looked the same and wore the same uniform, but their stances and attitude where as different as night and day. [color=82ca9d]"So the Black King is back in action! And here I was worried that Deep Ground has gotten boring. Let's talk business Yoshino-chan."[/color] [color=8493ca]"Don't call me that,"[/color] Yoshino nearly hissed, eyes darkening. [color=8493ca]"How many times do I have to prove to you that I'm not the Black King? Those actions alone belong to my client. That being said, what do you want White Queen?"[/color] Perhaps at one point the two girls had been friends, along with Maribel Harper. But time and events had brought about change for them both. Of course, Yoshino was always the first to point out that Chiyo had caused their rift first. For some reason however, Chiyo always felt the need to rub everything in her face. Still, not many could get an audience with White Sun herself. Adjusting her glasses, the Student President stared viciously at her counterpart. [color=82ca9d]"Oh come on now, even if you weren't, it's not like me and Moon Rider are on speaking terms. Even you should understand that I can't simply waltz up to the Black City either, not without my friends getting all violent. This is the most peaceful way. Now then! I propose an alliance between the Ivory Masks and the Ebon Strykers. Even Moon Rider knows that her little Guild is sorely lacking in numbers or vets, while the Ivory Masks is practically filled to the gills with them. And seeing that you're Moon Rider's second, why don't you try to convince her of this alliance? It'll be beneficial for the both of us!"[/color] Of course Chiyo had her own motives. The Black City was one of the only places she couldn't take over, and not for the lack of trying. Moon Rider always found a way to eliminate any of her forces, either due to a sudden surge of outlaw resistance, or simply arriving in person to take them out herself. And she also had an annoying tendency to never be there whenever Chiyo, as the White Sun, was there. It was annoying, but she still thought she could make this alliance. [color=82ca9d]"And before you shoot me down Yoshino-chan, give it some thought. Moon Rider just opened her doors yesterday. How many people have joined? How many would actually stay? Moon Rider is simply late to the game. She has, what, one, maybe two years before whoever she is graduates? I've been building up the Ivory Masks from day one. We have two full and successful years in our belt. And what does Moon Rider have? About one day and some infamy. You know that she won't last long without my help."[/color] This girl...Yoshino often wondered how she was ever friends with someone like her. Maribel's attempts to get them back together did not help in the slightest. Even now the Student President wanted to rid herself of that smug smirk staring right back at her. But she took her time to actually follow Chiyo's advice and think about the choice offered to her. Because as much as she didn't want to admit it, the White Queen had a point. Her client [i]would[/i] be graduating soon and that left her with minimal options. And it wasn't like she didn't consider the possibility of outside assistance or alliances. Her actions with Retsu proved that much. Granted, Retsu was different than Chiyo. That much was also known. [color=8493ca]"And why should I suggest any sort of deal with you Kuroke-san? You've provided no reason that an alliance would benefit you in any way. Furthermore, you said yourself that your Guild has year’s worth of fighting forces. You could easily crush my client's numbers with that haughty attitude of yours so why are you coming to me only now? Or did the great White Sun never think that her rival would rise up again one day?"[/color] [color=82ca9d]"Hah! Nah, what's the fun in that? Fighting Moon Rider mano-a-mano would be fun, but my friends wouldn't like that. They want to have a proper Guild war with the Ebony Strykers. I'm just trying to give them what they want by making sure the Ebony Strykers are good and ready for that. Make no mistake Yoshino-chan, in the end me and Moon Riders are still rivals. But that doesn't mean I don't want her or her people to not have fun. That's what Deep Ground is for, you know? Crushing her before she could really make an impact is the practical thing to do but hardly the most sporting. So how about it? Think you could tell Moon Rider to let loose and have some fun for once?"[/color] Somehow, Chiyo wasn't really directing that question for Moon Rider. The way she looked at Yoshino was as if she was asking the Student President herself. It was partly a request but mostly a challenge. An challenge to see if Yoshino would actually take Chiyo up on her offer, or if she still wanted to keep burning these bridges. Yoshino resisted the urge to grind her teeth. This girl knew how she thought and she was beginning to pay for it. Still, her words did strike a fire deep within. A burning passion, that same passion to erase Chiyo's smirk and destroy that overconfidence of hers. Adjusting her glasses once more, Yoshino laid her eyes directly on her former best friend. [color=8493ca]"Can I assume that you won't leave me or my client alone if I don't agree? Very well then. We accept your offer, as idiotic and foolhardy as it is. For now, consider the Ebony Strykers and the Ivory Masks temporary allies. And when we next cross paths, we [i]will[/i] take you down,"[/color] she promised, voice boiling with seething composure and unspoken rage. Any other person might have flinched from the deathly look, but Yoshino knew Chiyo would only laugh it off. She was just like that. Maybe....maybe she did still care for the other girl, though Yoshino couldn't waste time on those kinds of thoughts now. [color=82ca9d]"Good! Great even! Say, I never did get your DG name. I'm sure you want a crack at me too, don't cha? Huh? Huh!? C'mon, when Deep Ground is up, let's meet up and do some training. I'm sure Moon Rider would love to have her secretary able to let loose once in a while too!"[/color] Chiyo was happy that Yoshino had accepted the arrangement and decided to see just how far she could get with it. Normally the Fanged Rangers were the ones who baby sat others and helped them level up, but Chiyo wanted to push Yoshino's buttons. [color=82ca9d]"C'mon, I'm sure that now you are pumped up for Deep Ground for once. Think about it! The Black King, Moon Rider, finally out of hiding! Don't you want to be able to see all the crazy shit she'll do? But if you're weak, you'll never live long enough to see it with your very own eyes. Let's meet up at the Red Asphalt area. Show you my moves and I can see yours."[/color] Yoshino widened her eyes and she instantly cursed herself for not predicting something like this. At once she diverted her gaze away, her hand already rising up to unconsciously adjust her glasses. She was handling a delicate situation here but she had a faint clue as to what Chiyo was really getting at. [color=8493ca]"You know I can't do that Kuroke-san,"[/color] she said, looking anywhere but directly. [color=8493ca]"I have a job to do out here in Purple Crown. I don't have the time to play around like some people. And you already know that I hate DGO. Besides, I'm quite aware of my client's abilities and all the things she can do. I'm her representative, remember?"[/color] Chiyo shrugged her shoulders. But she stepped closer to Yoshino's desk, close enough for her to slam her hands on the top and look directly at Yoshino. [color=82ca9d]"Can't, or don't want to? C'mon Yoshino-chan... don't you want to be with friends? Don't you want to me equal to Moon Rider? To me?"[/color] [color=8493ca]"Please back away Chiyo,"[/color] Yoshino said quietly. [color=8493ca]"You know I don't like it when people get close. And still want to be friends with you. But...I'm already your equal. Some would say I even surpass you given my position. I have nothing to prove to you or Moon Rider so back off."[/color] The Student President continued to avoid Chiyo's gaze, clenching her fists and unclenching them repeatedly. Now more than ever she wanted Retsu here, anyone else to get Chiyo away. Out of all the people in Purple Crown, she was one of few who knew Yoshino's weakness, knew her fear. [color=82ca9d]"Heh.... Ah ha ha ha ha! You?! Better then me? Big talk, Yoshino-chan! But alright. Let's see you walk that talk. Think you're better then me? Prove it. Red Asphalt, tonight. Just you and me. I'll be going alone, but you can bring whatever friends you want. But there is one thing you do have to prove: You have to prove yourself to me that you aren't full of [i]shit[/i]. And if you don't meet me tonight... then tomorrow I'll formally announce a challenge against you. And I'll have the Ivory Mask cut ties and grind the Ebony Strykers to dust. All I want is to meet you in Deep Ground. Think you can do that, Student President, or are you suddenly too good to be seen from anywhere but your high and mighty throne?"[/color] [color=8493ca]"Why you...don't you [i]dare[/i] talk down to me,"[/color] Yoshino said darkly, snapping her gaze back on Chiyo. Whatever fears and insecurities she may have been experiencing before, they were gone and dissolved by her former friend's bravado. Adjusting her glasses one last time, she sent a burning glare in the White King's direction. [color=8493ca]"I'll make you regret ever betraying me Chiyo Kuroke. And once I defeat you, I'll make sure that whatever plan you have in the making will be swallowed up by the ambitions of the Black King."[/color] Just then there was a knock at the door. Seemed like Chiyo's time was up. But she just smiled and turned her back to Yoshino. [color=82ca9d]"Words are meaningless. Show me your conviction in Deep Ground, and maybe I might take you seriously. But... I'm happy. You finally have that fire in your eyes again."[/color] Chiyo walked towards the door, opening it to reveal Retsu on the other side. Chiyo gave Retsu a polite greeting and a smile which Retsu returned. But only one actually had any emotions behind it. And Retsu had heard most of what Chiyo and Yoshino had discussed; Chiyo wasn't being subtle. By the time the White Sun had left, Retsu entered the room, her stony demeanor stoic, yet there was a touch of wrath building within her. Like now she felt she too had to fight the White Sun, which was a bit of an issue. She had already extended a secret alliance with her yesterday. [color=black]"Tsugumi-san. I've received word that Deep Ground is back online. Already we have some students stepping out of class to log on. My... people are making their move right now. Just thought I'd update you. I won't be on until later after classes are over of course."[/color] [color=8493ca]"Yes, that's fine Retsu,"[/color] said Yoshino, her voice dry as she stared at the wall. Her heart rate was slowly lowering back to normal, partly because of her accursed weakness and partly because of her rage at Chiyo. Leave it to the White King to be the one to ultimately cause problems for her. And now she was being goaded on to fight her out in the open in Deep Ground. [color=8493ca]"How much did you hear?"[/color] If Retsu knew the dilemma she was in, perhaps there was a strategy to be met in counter force to Chiyo's demands. But she would only get the other girl involved if she was willing to. Otherwise, she would handle the problem herself, as always. [color=black]"Enough. She's goading you, and by extension the Black King, into destabilizing the Ebony Strykers. I do not know Moon Rider, but... if she learns of what happened here, she may try to meet the White Sun herself. That won't be good for the Ebony Strykers, as they need Moon Rider to lead them. Less so for myself... since I need Moon Rider to solidify the reunion of the Erasers, and by extension, the Sweepers. And..."[/color] Retsu sighed. She supposed she was curious too, but she wasn't quite so crass about it. [color=black]"She is testing to see if you really are the Black King. I guess that's a secondary objective aside from angering you. I have a suggestion, if you are willing to hear it."[/color] The Student President finally turned to face Retsu, her expression as stoic as the other girl's. Right now a suggestion was better than nothing really. If they were going to be able to work together, then they would have to learn to fall back on each other and trust one another. Even Yoshino realized that the chances were in her favor if she allowed Retsu to help her. In that case.... [color=8493ca]"In that case, go ahead and say it. I'm sure it will benefit me greatly."[/color] The look she gave Retsu was silent confirmation of surely what both girls knew. To do so was a huge risk on Yoshino's part but also a sign that she was putting her trust into this girl she only met a day before. Some may have called it foolhardy, but then again she was known for making such risks for the pursuit of her goals. Nodding her head Retsu spoke. [color=black]"Allow me to meet her in your stead. She still doesn't know what your Deep Ground identity is, and I make sure to keep mine obscure. I'm not needed when the Erasers meet Moon Rider; so long as she opens her doors that would be all the confirmation they would need to know that I have followed through with my word. I'd imagine that during our meeting she would taunt me with information that only you and she would know, me."[/color] Trust. It was a hard thing to do. The lack of trust was what made it so hard for Retsu to unify the Erasers after the fall of the Sweepers. Because someone amongst them betrayed that trust, and now none of them are willing to risk their livelihood for one another. And Retsu is trying to mend their broken trust in one another by unifying under the banner of the Black King. If they could not trust each other, they could at least trust Moon Rider. And slowly, but surely, they could mend their broken bonds. Or so Retsu hopes. She only needs them for as long as it takes to achieve her goals. If they happen to get along while doing so, that would be great. Tilting her head, Yoshino considered the possibilities of this plan backfiring. In all likelihood, it could easily collapse on them and Chiyo's threats would be carried out. Still, Yoshino was nothing short of impressed with Retsu's willingness to put herself in her place on the front lines. Either the redhead really wanted this partnership between the Black Guild and the Erasers to work out, or there was something more to it. [color=8493ca]"Alright then Retsu Goroshi. I'll trust you. But if you're going to be me, I'll have to tell you all I know about Chiyo Kuroke. We were...friends for quite a while until about a year ago. She may also have trouble believing that I'm only a Level 5 Player in Deep Ground, but that can be worked around. One other thing though. When she spoke to me, she offered to align the Ivory Masks with the Ebony Strykers temporarily. I accepted."[/color] There it was. The final test of their trust. Yoshino waited calmly for Retsu to react. It would be this reaction that would confirm to her if Retsu really was willing to put that same trust back into her. It would also confirm to her personally if the other girl genuinely wanted to help her, or just wanted to bring the Erasers back in power. That last bit of news caught Retsu off guard. She wasn't surprised for the White Sun to use Yoshino to issue a challenge to her, but she didn't expect an alliance. But given that she didn't hear about it when she arrived, Retsu assumed it was the first thing that Chiyo said. And immediately Retsu connected the dots and figured it was a bait-and-switch. [color=black]"Kuroke-san opened up with talk of alliance to get you to listen to her. As... boisterous as she is, I have no doubts that she intends to follow through with the alliance. But I also know she will follow through with her threat should we fail to meet her expectations."[/color] Retsu thought about how to handle this. On one hand, more help was always appreciated. But knowing the personal history between Yoshino and Chiyo, or at least the grudges they have with each other, this alliance may prove to be more disastrous than helpful. More so if they grow too reliant on the Ivory Masks. [color=black]"But I do not feel that Kuroke-san is entirely sincere with her request. As I said, she only spoke of an alliance to get you to listen to her. Her personal objective was to goad you into action. As helpful as she will be, she may use this alliance to siphon membership from the Ebony Strykers. The Empress is known to do that with lesser player groups. If the Ebony Strykers become too reliant on the Ivory Mask, they'll end up as nothing more than a client state for them. For the Ebony Strykers to remain independent, they have to grow in strength on their own. Right how her forces have the advantage over the Ebony Strykers in numbers and power, and Kuroke-san may wish to monopolize that power by ensuring the Ebony Strykers cannot grow to challenge the Ivory Mask, or the other guilds."[/color] Retsu was all too familiar with such a strategy. It was similar to training a dangerous beast: On it's own it is a menace, but against a group of intelligent hunters the beast could be killed. But better to work along side the beast than to kill it and lose it's potential. But the Ebony Strykers weren't a beast so easily tamed. [color=black]"My opinion? Instead of an alliance, I propose a cease-fire. This would give us time to build the Ebon Strykers as we would like them to be, and ensure that the White Guild does not simply attack before we can regain our strength. If she denies it, at least it makes it clear where she stands."[/color] Retsu would get only nods from Yoshino as the Student President agreed with the placed strategy. Indeed, she had suspected that Chiyo had some ulterior motive in coming to her and it was probably rooted back to her desire in seeing the Black Guild destroyed. She had to briefly wonder though, why the White King was taking all of this to heart. Did she really just want Moon Rider and White Sun to fight it out, to have their Guilds destroy each other? It boggled Yoshino's mind but she had stopped trying to find reasoning in Chiyo's madness long ago. [color=8493ca]"You can tell her that offer yourself when you face her later tonight. If it's as you said, she'll likely agree to it if she doesn't want be found out. Though just as a precaution, I have to ask you this Retsu. If for some reason this plan fails, do you have the power to make sure she doesn't go back on her word and enact a war against the Ebony Strykers? As we are now, White Sun's forces are simply too powerful and I wouldn't put it past Chiyo to be a sore loser."[/color] [color=black]"I have some ideas. Kuroke-san came here, instead of sending one of her minions, to speak to you. She wanted to attack your personally. The Ivory Mask and the Ebony Strykers are secondary compared to her beef with you. I can always ensure that the Sweepers keep the Ivory Masks on edge, but what you need is for a way for Kuroke-san to leave you alone. And for that I need to give her a reason to stay away from you, and by extension, the Black Guild. I could mention this being one of the terms of the alliance, but just as she wanted to attack you personally, you have to show you can retaliate in kind. That is to say, fight as her equal. If you know anything about Kuroke-san that I can use against her, that would be most helpful."[/color] And if all else fails she could just have a Cleaner attack her in real life. Her or her close associates. A bit risky, but Retsu was no stranger in calling these hits. And she was certain that once the Sweepers were formally united it'll be much easier to make these calls then to rely on her small handful of Cleaners. Yoshino took pause to think carefully. Her friendship with Chiyo was deep up until recent events so finding something to use against her wouldn't be too hard. If nothing else, she knew that Retsu could resort to more grisly means to keep the White Queen in place and dormant. But Yoshino didn't want to resort to such means quite yet. [color=8493ca]"If Chiyo does cause you trouble, you can tell her this."[/color] The Student President beckoned for Retsu to come closer and when she did, she leaned in to utter a whisper. It was a simple passing of words, but it would no doubt cause Chiyo to lose it if they were spoken to her. Not to mention the implications that would be carried along with it. Eyes widening, Retsu couldn't believe what she heard. She really couldn't. She almost didn't want to. But she said nothing and just nodded her head. [color=black]"I'll be sure to make use of this, Tsugumi-san. Now then...I suppose I ought to head to class. Take care of yourself."[/color] Retsu turned around and walked towards the door. As she had her hand on the handle, she turned her head slightly towards Yoshino. She wanted to say something, but elected not to. This wasn't the time for it. They had too much on their plate right now to just pile on more problems. Retsu left the office to head to class. Watching her go, Yoshino caught the brief moment of hesitation on Retsu's part but she chose not to think any more of it. Whatever it was, it could probably wait until they had dealt with the day's current issues. For now, she got back to sending her mass message, letting out a sigh as things seemed to only get more complicated.