[Quote=Prom]Can I come play with you guys?[/QUOTE] *Le gasp* Mom! Dad! Can we keep him? Please?!? I'll feed him and give him water and play with him and clean up after him... You won't have to do anything, promise! (I really need to stop writing responses after taking large amounts of caffeine) [Quote=Prom] I've written stuff up for Acacia over the past couple of days, pretty isolated, but fun. At the time of me writing this, she's currently been bitten by a walker, is almost entirely naked, and is completely lost. Good stuff. [/quote] But... but how are she and Cassie supposed to have naked mud wrestling if she's dead? And who is Cass supposed to annoy into homicidal rages now?!? You freaking boob. I will probably start writing up my new post tonight... Maybe. And if I do then I'll throw it up into the doc and OOC'ly roll to see how screwed I am. You know, just to make sure I've gotten it figured out properly. Cassie gets +20 defense for having the Armor of the Sky God equipped though, right?