[center] [h1][color=cyan] Vault [/color][color=yellow]214[/color][/h1][color=darkcyan][h3]"Life in The Vault"[/h3][/color] [b]You, citizen have been selected for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of living in a one-of-a-kind Vault-Tech Vault! Live your astounding life completely within luxury, away from the war![/b] [img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTYtPwoSoYmEeT5KsQEJz2D6ELUFpwxW-SqDJCMd16eaLRGAq7Vng[/img] This ofcourse, was the advertisement that many of the current Vault inhabitant's great great grandparents recieved, all in big bold letters like it was some big huge thing to live in a cave for the rest of your life, while the rest of the world blew up around you. And to be honest, it was a big thing, especially getting a normal vault, as (many) others weren't as safe as one might have thought them to be. Of course, the war that destroyed the world took place, with the f Vault Dwellers happily unaware of what the world was becoming. This was a time of growing, however, because as the vault grew, new faces came to the mix, and with them, new adventures. -------- [h2][color=red]RULES[/color][/h2] Lets keep it PG13 alright folks? Take it to PMs ya sicko. Don't fight with other people. Like, flame war I mean. The only good that will come of it is both participants of the flaming being removed and put into a baby pin. Just don't do stupid crap ok? Not that hard. Use common sense. Listen to GM. -------- [h2][color=skyblue]Idea/Story[/color][/h2] Alright, it's been near 200 years of people living in a vault. Only recently (with the whole cast of characters 'most likely' going to go into the wastes eventually) are they beginning to make plans for a possible opening of the vault door. Now think to yourselves, what would it be like reading the same books, listening to the same music, and etc for 200 years? Different trends would start. Stuff like the Tunnel Snakes, ETC. I'm not saying start a gang, I'm simply saying, come up with phrases, words, be creative with it. "Jumpin Juniper!" "Oh my manticore!" really, get into it with that stuff. -------- [color=green][h2](Sort Of) Map[/h2][/color] There are 4 different floors to this vault, and I'm going to walk you through it. On the first floor (which would be ground level) is the vault entrance. An open room with two large generators, to seal or open the door. At the edge of the room is a locked door, and a quite steep staircase into the rest of the vault. On the second floor, the overseer's office is right in front of the stairs to the Vault door. Through the door out of the overseers office, there is a long hallway. This connects to a hallway leading in three directions, each having many doors, and making up the first three large dorm rooms, consisting of many of the higher ups of the vault, (think the person who trains the guards, or perhaps the head engineer, and their families, if any) With them they also have a large diner, and for each dorm, a male and female bathroom. Near the overseer door, on the left, so that it didn't tangle much with the halls, are stairs down On the third floor is generally what one would call commonwealth, housing much of the rest of the vault. This floor cuts off into quite a few halls, and without the small signs placed on the walls, one might even get lost. There are around 150 dorm rooms, and many of them contain families, and for every 50 There is a (large)diner, a school, 2 doctors offices, a library (next to each school), a storage room, a leisure room(with a few fun things) and 4 public bathrooms(many of the dorms have bathrooms standard.) right in the center of them you can find what is called the "Radio Room"(will speak more on that). And finally the fourth floor, with consists of maintenance staff. There are a few dorm rooms dotted around the place, in case of an engineer needing to stay below level for multiple days just to get things fixed. Water purification, even good few farm-like areas, energy production and all sorts of other stuff to keep vault life easy. However, in the center is, whilst not being so much a maintence, was still a job for below deck. The science lab. This put many of the vaults smartest people working long hours to see what they could do with what, and how. That brings us to the end of that. -------- [h3][color=brown]More on the "Radio Room"[/color][/h3] My initial idea for this would be, in every pipboy, a radio, then this room being a sort of narrator. Lets say the cast does something that can get all through the vault, it'll go over the vault radio. "Looks like a couple of the vault boys started a gang known as the 'Tunnel Snakes' careful out there dwellers. As a tribute to that, let's put on a this song(and then a YouTube link" sort of thing. Yknow? That's my whole thought on it. But eh. -------- [h1][color=lightgreen]Character Sheet![/color][/h1] Name: Gender Age: Appearance: Personality:(optional, as in, make yourself as you go) Occupation: Biography: --------- That outta do it then for now! [/center]