Ok, before I even get into plot, I'm going to get into my GMing ways, and my expectations. -This is an advanced level RP. For me personally, this doesn't mean there is a paragraph or word count. It means understanding and playing your character(s) in a way that is more than actions. There will be thoughts, ideas, responses, instincts--a plethora of things that make your character who they are. This means I expect characters to interact with one another and as they do change as the meet people and change as the meet one another. -I will kick you from my RP and kill your character. Truth be told, killing off YOUR characters is one of my favorite things to do. Please note that this is not something I do all willy nilly. If you leave for a week or so, and you're just GONE from the site, I'll usually just let your character go into some ghost NPC type mode, noting your character here and there. Do not post, do not answer PMs, and be active everywhere else in the forums, well, you just gave me the silent ok to kill your character. Honestly, I LOVE this. A lot. I'm sick like that. -I expect you all to understand that THIS STORYLINE is more important than YOUR character. Make decisions that are good for the RP. Make decisions that move the plot. Make your character do things that shake things up. If you don't like that other characters called yours out for being an asshole, well, maybe make your character change. Do something. Just don't whine and hold up the RP. Cannot come to an agreement with another player? That's ok. I'll decide. At that point, if you still disagree, leave and I'll kill your character. -This is a MATURE RP. There will be violence, killing, murder, rape, shooting, explosions, zombies, limbs being removed, and innocent people dying bloody, horrible deaths. Sounds awesome, right? -I am an extremely patient GM. What does this mean for YOU? IF YOU CANNOT BE A MATURE ADULT BECAUSE YOU LOSE INTEREST IF THERE ARE NO POSTS IN A TIME SPAN YOU DEEM APPROPRIATE, then do not join my RP. The vaguest post requirement I'll make is "something like, I dunno, maybe once a week?" There are some spans I can post every day for a month, and others where I can post once a week. I'd be a fucking hypocrite and shitty GM to expect you all to be on the EXACT same schedule and be upset when you do the same things I'll do. Life happens. People get sick. Power goes out. Holiday happen. I'm understanding of that. -Have you quit an RP recently? Have you joined an RP, made a char, got super geeked and then left a week later because "I was bored" or some shitty ass excuse? DO NOT JOIN MY RP. You're wasting my time and yours. Cannot commit to an RP? DO NOT JOIN MY RP. Hit writers block a few posts after making your character? DO NOT JOIN MY RP. Need to be led and spoonfed plot to keep your "interest" in an RP going? DO NOT JOIN MY RP. Take a moment and think think think. When was the last time you quit an RP? If you can remember it, and it wasn't for a reason that involved a life changing/altering event? DO NOT JOIN MY RP. Think I'm a dick? DO NOT JOIN MY RP. -I will blacklist people. Leave my RP for a shitty reason, under shitty circumstances, and/or leave with in a shitty way. Fine. At that point, I'm not going to RP with you ever again. I am also honest. If you're a shitty and inconsiderate player, I'll let other GMs know. You can let other players know I'm a shitty GM. Good news is, I don't give a shit. -If you DO want to leave because the RP isn't fitting for you, or for whatever reason, I just ask you let me know. You can make your char sneak off in the night, or just be separated in the heat of an attack. Or you can opt to kill them. It's about a mutual level of respect. Give it. Get it. -I expect the OOC section to be fun. Talk to one another. Collaborate. Talk sports. Just be respectful. Be mature. -I enjoy players making decisions. I may have a plot to get the group from point A to point B. I may not give a shit if your characters decide to take the long road, the high road, the scenic road, whatever. Get there. Our characters happen upon a single survivor? Your character doesn't trust him? Kill him. Just be willing to suffer the wrath of any lovey dovey tree hugging liberals in the group. -This specific RP will be done in SEASONS. This means the cycle will go as follows (roughly): 1. Form an OOC, recruit. 2. Start the RP. 3. End the RP. That's the end of Season 1. Rinse, repeat. In between seasons, I will take a few weeks "off," which are not me being gone. It's me recruiting, getting people's thoughts, trying to make the next season something better or at least on par with the prior season. -I want you to understand basic human nature and how your individual character will change. Be realistic. I am not saying your character cannot be happy, but, why are they happy? In a shitty world, with on hope, everyone they knew dead, while short on food...what is in your characters life that makes him/her able to retain that? Why is your character able to murder people with no regard when human nature is to want to be social and form relationships? -Myself, I make several characters and I intend to kill them. I hope you do the same. Only comfortable with one character? That's great. I am not trying to force anyone to do anything. But if you're able to, try it. Characters dying make a SURVIVAL based RP more legit. I love killing and death. -Ok, the first header points out that this is an ADVANCED RP. I'm very flexible. Are you more comfortable with "high casual" or casual? Wanna try wetting your feet in an advanced RP? I'm the GM to do it with. I am not a dick, I'm not condescending or rude and I'm always willing to help. If your post doesn't fit, I'll tell you why, help you, explain, and work with you. If you bow out, I will not joke, ridicule or do anything negative. I remember my transition from CAS to ADV. It was not the easiest. -Skimmed or skipped up to here? DO NOT JOIN MY RP! Take the time to read the above shit. It kind of matters. -My RPs are slow. I do not push people to crank out posts. The MAJORITY of posts in my RPs are character interactions. Slow, drawn out, character orientated. My RPs are turtle races, not rabbit sprints. It will not be "zOMG moor zombees reload and get a 100 kill streek LOLz dat wuz GR8!" We will go days without seeing zombies, IC and IRL. Shit, zombies will be a fraction of the RP. Bandits will be a fraction of the RP. Our character talking, arguing, getting to know one another, that's the majority of my RP. But make no mistake about it. When I push the button, shit gets intense. -All RPG rules obviously take precedence over anything I or you say, want, or do. -I encourage and actively utilize chats, pads, share docs and that sort of thing, BUT EVERYTHING WILL BE POSTED HERE ON THE SITE. If there are XXX sex scenes, by all means, play those out in the pads but omit them (see the above header). I know I would enjoy reading them. -I will keep this RP going. If it means removing people, controlling players characters while they are not able to RP, speed things up, slow things down, I'll do it. I will always try to do it in ways that doesn't affect you negatively and be respectful of your chars and time. But the RP needs to move. Again, I'm patient, and I do not mind waiting so long as I'm informed. If not, the RP is moving forward. -I will put my time, effort, and creative thoughts into this RP. I expect the same. I want this RP to be successful, for me and the players. I expect that players, myself included, will respect each other. TIME is something you cannot get back. I do not want to waste my time on you, and I do not want you wasting your time on my RP. Time is a valuable things, more so than anything. [color=39b54a][u][b]Now onto the specifics. Here you go.[/b][/u][/color] [hider=Surviving: The End]The year is 2017. The world finally seemed to be stabilizing. There was a terribly harsh winter in 2016 that finally broke. U.S. forces had fully pulled out of Iraq and Afghanistan only to deploy to Syria. Tensions between both Iran and North Korea had dissolved for the most part. There was a long spell of relative peace and economic prosperity over most parts of the world. Then, the Rising happened on Valentine's Day 2017 (there are several other terms for this day that are used). All over the world and without warning, the same reports started coming in. Headlines read "The Dead are Rising!" Or "Zombies? Outbreak or Hoax?" At first, it happened slowly as governments, with the help of media outlets, downplayed the whole thing. Things started very, very slowly, but it seemed like when the floodgates opened, there was no stopping the force coming out. Within weeks a handful of smaller countries were overrun. When there was no use denying it, governments tried to initiate quarantine procedures. To make things worse, Pakistan launched a nuclear strike on India. Only moments after that, Iran sent a nuclear device that ended up landing but not detonating for some unknown reason. Israel then attacked Lebanon in full force while dozens of other minor conflicts erupted all over the world. All of these because the world was looking for someone to blame for the Rising. It took less than 5 weeks before even the strongest, most secure governments fell, absolved, or simply went silent. This was called The Apocalypse, The End, or Day Zero, and it coincided with the day that the last two governments had any activity, those being Poland and New Zealand. The RP takes place November 3rd, 2017. That is about 9 months since The Rising and Day Zero. The story takes place in Missouri, and while it's not a particularly cold or harsh winter there, it is winter nonetheless, and it's cold. Much snow hasn't fallen however, but in almost every area in the state, there are several inches on the ground. There is one group of survivors, those that have been around since Day Zero, fighting and living, trying to survive. The other group is in a CDC center on what was Fort Leonard Wood. This facility was a project put together by the CDC and other branches. This facility houses individuals who are there because they have SOME reason the government thought they'd be an asset after the world came limping out of the zombie problem. They were to stay there until given the "all clear sign" and if necessary, help rebuild because of their abilities. Some were farmers, other chemical biologists, and others somewhere in between. These individuals were rounded up in the first 7 days of the outbreak and moved to the center. Before most of the "bad" stuff went down, they were in the building, in individual rooms with absolutely NO contact with anyone outside of the room, or any knowledge of what happened outside of the room. The only contact they have with people outside are the building's staff, which they communicate with via several speaker/comm systems. At the start of the RP, the characters in the CDC facility have been left alone and unattended for several days, which is unusual. Eerily unusual. Anyone with common sense assumes the worse. Then, one day, on November 3rd, there is a loud, distinct CLICK as the door manually unlocks. I will post first in this setting to establish more and there will be a special OOC section for this group with notes. One thing to consider is that there will be a HUUUUGE difference in the people outside the facility, and those inside. Those outside know what's going on, and they also have been in the shit for months, while those in the CDC can only assume what happened, and have not had to deal with the world outside in all it's horror. [u][color=ed1c24][b]RA: Reanimates. Zombies[/b][/color][/u]. There are a myriad of other slang terms, but the US Government classified them as reanimates, and there are 4 forms based on blood type. An important thing to note is that if a person dies, regardless of being bitten, killed, dying in any way, they become an RA according to the person's blood type, NOT the blood type of the RA. The one exception to this is the RA4, please read below. **NOTE** There is no way to LOOK at an RA and dictate it's classification type. They physically look the same and only after varied degrees of watching and studying can they generally be differentiated, and that's IF the character is familiar with different types. [hider=RA1](O blood type, approx 43% of Americans): This type of zombie is slow, dumb and come in great numbers. They are commonly referred to as “ones” or “unos.” They share many similarities with RA2 (A blood type, see below). They can vocalize moans and do so when they see prey. They react vaguely to smell and hearing to the degree that they will turn their heads. While they do not associate, say music with humans and meat, they are naturally drawn to sounds. They DO react to sight. It is suspected that RA1 and RA2 have a slight form of heat vision. One study in Germany showed them react to heat signatures of human silouttes at up to 8 feet. This study was not fully researched prior to its…untimely closing. These RAs are not smart, as mentioned, and can hardly negotiate up/down stairs (which usually constitutes them falling down stairs. To move up, they either crawl or a mass of bodies stacks and actually allows the zombies in the back to crawl up the mass).[/hider] [hider=RA2](A blood type, approx 41% of Americans): this type is very similar to RA1 but a little smarter. They move a little bit faster and are drawn to things a lot more quickly than Ones. They also react to one another more distinctly than Ones. Field studies have shown that a mass of Ones and Twos moving together will walk without much purpose or direction. But if one of the Twos see prey or meat, they will break off and all of the other Twos (within 5 or so feet) seem to gravitate together while the mass of Ones continue on. This happens even when the other RA2s are out of sight, smell and hearing, and scientists have no theories to the manner of communication that takes place that allows this.[/hider] [hider=RA3](B blood type, approx 11% of Americans): RA3s are commonly referred to as Threes, joggers or Q1s (quick ones). These are a bit smarter than Ones and Twos and also a lot more aggressive and quick. Most studies found that Threes had a tendency to band together with more of a pack nature. They have been known to easily climb stairs and even climb over low walls. Similar to the Twos, they seem to be able to react as a group to one individual, and they have been documented to do so at distances of up to 15 feet. On rare occasion, this type has been known to stop and feed on non-Three infected.[/hider] [hider=RA4](AB blood type, approx 5% of Americans): Fours are the scariest of the infected individually. They are called horsemen (a connection to the Four Horsemen), clickers (when excited, they have a tendancy to clack or chatter their teeth) and breathers (they always breath loud and deep and almost sound like they are wheezing or choking). They are fast and have an animalistic intelligence, having been known to follow prey for periods of time and waiting for individuals to become isolated. Unique to all other forms of RAs is that this type will kill anything, including other infected openly and aggressively. They do not kill one another however and groups of up to 3 have been sighted. A unique thing about an RA4 is that if a human is bitten and DOES NOT DIE, but succumbs to infection, it becomes an RA4. However, if a human is bitten and dies, it will reanimate according to blood class.[/hider] [/hider]