[center][h1]Beatrice Elizabeth Heart[/h1] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzirjwK35b1qbn857.jpg[/img] [color=B22222][h3]"Its Far better to be feared than loved."[/h3][/color] [i][b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Parents:[/b] ♥ Queen of Hearts & Knave of Knights After Alice ran away from her she was bored. She didn't have anyone to torture and make fun of, so she decided it would be interesting to raise a child. Therefore Queen of Hearts picked the one she liked which was Knave of Knights and that's how Beatrice was born. [b]Biography:[/b] Beatrice Elizabeth Heart growing up was taught to be rude and conceited. Her mother quickly got bored taking care of her and decided it would be best to send her off to school. Remembering what her mother had taught her, which was to never ask for help. She signed up for a dorm and started living by herself. [/i][/center]