[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/NAJn6.png[/img] [sub][b]"[/b]I feel fine enough, I guess . . Considering everything's a [u]mess[/u].[b]"[/b] - [i]Pinch Me[/i], Barenaked Ladies[/sub][/center] In life, there are many obstacles and hardships, this is a fact that cannot be changed, regardless of what world or time period you are from. It's true that situations often help people grow and develop, but what happens when you find yourself stuck? What happens when there is nowhere to go and all you want to do is give up? Run away? Suppose you find yourself lost, confused and then a crossroad appears to you one day; mysteriously. Maybe this has been happening to you for years or maybe this has only happened to you recently. The crossroad leads to a small, enigmatic cafe filled with bumbling energy and a certain sense of mysticism that you can only describe as "wisdom". This cafe is known as "Star Crossed" and is available to you and only you. True, family and friends may be able to see it, should they be stuck in the same mess as you, but otherwise, you've been selectively chosen. So, now, you're given the opportunity to visit this cafe and explore it. You might find other species that you never knew existed or maybe you'll speak to someone who lived on the Earth over a hundred years ago. Maybe you'll find something new about yourself or the world around you. Maybe you'll find out the truth behind the cafe. Or maybe, just maybe, as outrageous as it sounds, you might find. . true love? It's a nice surprise and maybe you have a guardian angel watching after for you after all.