[b]Starting Date and Time:[/b] Crimsia 24th, 300 DM, 20th Stretch [b]Starting Location:[/b] Center of Green Fall Village [b]CS URLs:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2924501]Gregory[/url] It was a fairly quiet evening in Green Fall, as the sun was setting. Most of the jacks had already returned, along with the patrolling Ebon Knights, as it was far too dangerous for all but the most highly trained to venture out there after dark. Young couples were out for casual strolls within the protection of the village borders, the tavern was in full, musical swing, and the Ebon Knights were changing shifts. A pair of young hobbicatts were chasing each other through the dirt streets, when they stopped and were staring at the roof of the tavern. Eventually, everyone outside was staring at various rooftops, all around, with the exception of Gregory's building. Atop the roofs were many large gargoyles and smaller goyles, silently sitting and watching the denizens, but not moving. It was rather startling, as their kind only came around here rarely. The Lieutenant Knight on shift, a small, lithe human woman marched out to the center of the village. Scanning the roofs, she quickly found the largest of the gargoyles, and addressed it. [color=f7941d][i][b]"What brings you all to our humble village? I do hope it's not to cause trouble, for you will find much more than you bargained for."[/b][/i][/color] At that, several archers, crossbowmen, and javelin throwers readied their aim, awaiting their orders. The largest one, a particularly boulder like male, floated lazily down toward the woman. [i][b][color=f7941d]"We seek the one named Gregory Whitehorn. We do not wish to cause any trouble nor alarm. We come from Stone Crest, and are all registered. Is Whitehorn around?"[/color][/b][/i] The Lieutenant nodded curtly and sent a knight off to find the gargoyle smith, if he didn't present himself promptly. That particular smith seemed to keep to himself mostly. He shouldn't be too hard to find, and had never caused issue before. She kept her piercing eyes on the large male, knowing she could have his wings clipped in three sword swings. Though personally, she preferred it didn't come to that.