[center][img]http://s15.postimg.org/77ib8kmkr/tumblr_n69kgk_RMt_Q1rc0aqfo1_500.jpg[/img][/center] [color=MediumAquamarine][b]Name:[/b][/color] Demetrios Aïdōnides; "Demetri" [color=MediumAquamarine][b]Age:[/b][/color] 16 [color=MediumAquamarine][b]Parents:[/b][/color] Hades & Persephone [color=MediumAquamarine][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] An inhumanely thin boy with sharp limbs and a willowy frame, he seems to lack eyes but, oddly enough, can see perfectly fine. He's inherited his father's hair pigmentation (albeit it's actual [i]hair[/i], not hellfire), his mother's body and face shape (distended because of his height and gauntness), and his grandmother's skin hues (the greenish color has paled to an almost normal skin tone, and it's only a slightly noticeable sap color--it's covered in bruises). On the inside of his right palm he has a theta symbol (Θ) birthmark, while on his left he has a tau (τ)--but he tries to cover them with wraps when he can. He's faintly translucent, like a ghost. [color=MediumAquamarine][b]Bio:[/b][/color] A kind, supportive, and naive boy, with a cold, ruthless, and bitter temper, Demetri's prone to either holding the [i]nastiest[/i] kinds of grudges one can encounter or being the most loyal friend a person could have. He likes modern culture and wants to get as far away from his parents as possible, if just for the peace of mind. His smiles never reaches his eyes, but that's not just because he doesn't have any: he's fairly consistent in his melancholy. Technically a [i]very[/i] minor god, Demetrios can sense a person's life force, and his touch can either nurture or harm it--it depends on which hand he's using. His right hand is energy vampire and his left heals. He also has a stock of other abilities; summoning of the damned, plant manipulation, teleportation, and immortality (not invulnerability). Contrarily, he cannot break promises or use any of his abilities without draining his own energy (with the exception of using his right hand, in which case he would gain energy) significantly. Anything else will be fleshed out IC--