Flynn get's up and dusts of his jacket. He is not laughing. "I... quite agree on that. Though I'm afraid we -do- have to do it again." He opens his Omni-Tool and scans for the signal once more. "The signal is coming from that direction." And he points down at the sea. "It is also aligned with the coordinates from the colony building where these terrorists are holding up. Misplacement of the base, or a first try of oceanic colonization?" He looks over his shoulder at Williams and shrugs. "Thanks for the rescue though mate. That would have been quite the lame way to die after all we've been through." 3Y3 bumps against Flynn as his sensors are still blinded. "Hey, what's wrong buddy? Signal interfering with your optical sensors? I should've updated that interference shield ages ago." The little droid makes a sad chirping sound as Flynn pets him. "So... Any ideas on how to get down there and how to survive the water? I don't like water... Who knows what might be in there." He looks over the edge of the cliff and shivers.