Grant felt prepared to snap, and he ran a hand through his dreads with a sigh. "I got her number, Addie, it doesn't mean anything. She was nice, but she wasn't [i]you.[/i] I'm doing it again aren't I? Lawyer talking." He chuckled quietly, taking another deep breath to subdue the headache. "I care about you, Addie. I was a shitty boyfriend, and I apparently still can't get anything right. But you're amazing, and you're just the right amount of crazy to make me an interesting person. If you want to be friends, I can live with that." He finished, looking at her. The sentence was bitter on his tongue, but whatever it took to prevent another suicide attempt was good enough for him. He opened his mouth to say something else when Delilah's frantic screams filled the air. Turning with a grimace he ran out of the girls' condo to find Addie's friend banging on their door. "Delilah? What's-" He began before seeing Hunter's body. He whipped out his phone to call for an ambulance, walking over to Hunter. He kneeled down beside his friend, giving him a once over. [i]Fucking Hunter.[/i] He was pretty roughed up, with a goddamn bullet wound in his side. He relayed the details to the ambulance, before looking at Delilah. "Do you know what happened?" He asked, not waiting for an answer before he focused once more on Hunter's comatose body. He checked his pulse, which thankfully was still there and not too weak. Hopefully they'd get him to a hospital in time.