[b]Name: [/b] Kenneth "Kenny" Miller [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Age: [/b] 19 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://media.comicbook.com/uploads1/2015/02/tyler-james-williams-the-walking-dead-0-122355.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Kenneth is a kind-hearted young man, well known for his respectful attitude and helpfulness to other vault-dwellers. He is also incredibly smart as he spent most of his childhood reading encyclopedias that his grandmother had lying around her dorm. However, Kenneth's kindness and genousity often led to him being bullied as a child. Due to him being kind, Kenneth also is a pacifist. Only opting to use violence in the most extreme of situations. Which can be both good and bad depending on the situation. He happens to be a very humble young man and is also a hopeless romantic, hoping one day he can find love whether it be in or outside Vault 214. [b]Occupation:[/b] Vault Technician [b]Biography:[/b] Kenneth was born in the vault like all of the other inhabitants, he was raised by his Grandmother as his mother died giving birth and his father had died in an engineering accident. He spent most of his childhood reading his grandmother's encyclopedias and exploring the Vault. He was bullied for most of his childhood until he was 16 and stood up to the bully and, for the first time in his life, used violence. While he doesn't look back proudly on that day, he knows that that day changed his life. He stood up to the bully not because he was being bullied, but because a mentally ill student was being bullied. So he walked up to the bully, told him to stop--he didn't listen--so he punched square in the gut, hard at that. While he did get suspended from what most of the vault residents would call "school", he recieved quite a reputation boost--often being called a "hero" by some of the other students. At the age of 18, Kenneth became a Vault Technician, in order to put his knowledge about technology to good use.