[b]Name:[/b] April Cooper [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Position: [/b]Pilot [b]Appearance/Clothing: [/b] [hider= Top image for face/hair/body type, bottom image for clothes, also she has no robot arm] [img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/a0c6/th/pre/f/2013/232/7/0/steampunk_girl_by_robin1103-d6iyna7.jpg[/img] [img]http://img09.deviantart.net/a4c7/i/2008/325/8/4/space_cowgirl_by_staino.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Skills:[/b] Pilot, Navigation, Mechanic, Flyer, Drive, Astrogation, Streetwise, Zero-G, Carouse, Gun Combat (Pistol) [b]Crimes Against The Alliance: [/b]Larceny, Hijacking, Theft of Motorized Vehicles, Theft of Spacecraft, Contempt of Court [b]Additional Information: Never an actual member, but significant Browncoat leanings.[/b] [b]Weapons: [/b]One Enfield Revolver, and... that's it. [b]Possessions:[/b] Several piles of junk she keeps in her bunk/the cockpit, containing souveniers, knick-knacks, mementos and nothing of any real value. [b]Personality: [/b]April is compassionate, firey, and cheerful. She's an incorrigible optimist and cares a great deal for the people close to her, though this doesn't detract from her tendency to be snarky and/or foul-mouthed to them. She has a bit of a temper and is very quick to argue with people she believes to be in the wrong, though she'll generally forget about it just as quickly if they're her friends. She can be something of an adrenaline junkie when it comes to making things go fast, though she never really puts herself or anyone else in danger. She also has a problem with authority about a mile wide - credit it to her upbringing. [b]History:[/b] April was born on a poor outer planet called Natawalk. Her parents were both Browncoats who died in the rebellion, so for as long as she can really remember she was raised by her uncle. As she grew up, she quickly discovered a talent for piloting, driving, and otherwise operating vehicles, as well as an ability to make them go. She left her home at sixteen years old to make her own way in the star system, immediately beginning a crime spree of hijackings, joy-rides, and Robin-Hood style redistribution of wealth.