Flynn shrugs as he sees Williams disappearing in the vegetation. "As long as it doesn't involve swimming, I'm game." He turns around to 3Y3, attaches the droid with a little wire to his backpack and slowly follows Williams back into the jungle. He pushes aside some thick plants as he makes his way. "Wait up! I'm escorting a blind droid back here!" Suddenly a tug from behind. He turns around to find 3Y3 stuck in some vines. Flynn let's out a sigh, brings up his arm and let's a small arm blade extend from his wrist. He starts hacking away the vines so that 3Y3 cane move once more. The droid let's out a thankful beep and continues following Flynn as the human quickly goes back to following Williams. He had quickly lost sight of him, but luckily the heartbeat monitor still worked on his HUD. After a couple a minutes of wandering through the jungle and following the bleep on the heartbeat monitor, he finds Williams and taps him on the shoulder. "So. What's your plan then?"