Williams is watching a weird animal close by ready to shoot it, if it does anything funny ,when he feels a tap on his shoulders. He quickly turns away, pistol ready, just to see Flynn escorting 3Y3. "Thats a funny way to tow a droid. Why didn't you simply hold him, instead of cutting through the forest?" William turns back and notices that the animal is gone. "Anyways, follow me!" He now slowly walks through the vegetation, making way for the group. Soon they arrive at a clearing, which gently descends into the ocean. There is a herd of alien animals drinking and swimming happily at the beach. "Tada! Our way to the signal." After he sees his mate's face he explains it. "Can you see those animals? Look at how easely they swim! If we can get a few to carry us to the signal, we don't have to swim! It would be bumpy but it could do the job. Or we start making a boat out of the forest around us. So are you in?"