Yikes... I wasn't expecting such a debate when I woke up this morning... @.@ I honestly didn't know what to say when you asked if first person was okay. I had already alienated Beloved by asking to write in past tense, and I didn't want to do the same to you by asking to write in third person. We have to remember that this is the Casual forum, not the Advanced. If I were to lay down such a stringent rule as, "Please write in past tense and third person to accommodate the compilation," I'd might as well move this RP to Advanced and risk losing more writers in the process because they'll be thinking, "Does Benit know what she wants out of this RP?" I do, but I'm failing to word it correctly, which I'm afraid might be causing problems for you guys. I honestly don't see what the big deal is when it comes to character perspective; I don't think we need to be so philosophical over a casual RP. If an RPer can bring their best writing in a preferred point of view, isn't it all the better for us? Of course, Zaresto needs to mention who he's playing as and write in a manner so we're not confused. However, I did mention in the intro post that character interaction is strongly desired, so if Zaresto can bring that interaction the best in first person, then I don't have an issue with it. I'll have to adjust it to third person for the compilation however. Once I wing out a PDF of the first chapter, you'll see that I'll preserve everything else except for the first person view, so there isn't any need to worry. Changing perspective might be as hassling as changing verb tense in the long run, but I don't want to alienate anyone else for my own convenience.