Michael was one of the first to leave school that day. He hadn't skipped classes, but he'd positioned himself so he was closest to the classroom door. He'd remembered DGO was going to be back that afternoon and couldn't wait to play it. He didn't know whether or not he'd pick up where he'd left off, with the three NPC Outlaws, or whether he'd spawn back in the small market community. He also thought about the possibility of his stats being reset. He hadn't seen that kind of error message before, let alone it kicking everybody in game out. Michael had been hearing rumours of people being able to get in, but dismissed them. As the final bell was still ringing, Michael was halfway down the road, speed walking home. He'd bid farewell to his friends, and didn't have any other previous engagements that kept him from playing. He pondered the idea of moving into the school dorms, so he could get back quicker and back onto DGO, but remembered the cons of doing so, one being that his friends might mess with him while he was asleep or in game. So he just decided to play it safe and remain at home, with his family. It didn't bother him that most of his friends lived in the dorm. In fact, he welcomed the break from them every now and then. Once he got through the door, he was straight up the stairs and into his room. He locked his door and took a sip from the energy drink he'd left on his bedside table. Michael grinned as he set down on the bed, and then lay on it. He closed his eyes, and let himself fall into the game, mentally preparing himself for what was going to happen. [b][center][h1]Welcome, Hyde[/h1][/center][/b]