Neither of the guys responded to his text. Sipping the steaming hot coffee, Jar had just about lost faith in both women and his friends as a whole, when Delilah’s frantic screaming cut through the air. Jar jumped a little and spilled the coffee on his hand. “Shit!” he exclaimed as the liquid burned his hand and he attempted to wipe it off with a towel. “I’m coming! I’m coming, hold on!” Jar yelled from inside the condo. Once cleaned up, Jareth took a deep breath and faced whatever she had to say next out in the hallway. When he opened the door, his eyes went straight from Delilah to a passed out Hunter. Thankfully Grant was there too, and already on the phone with an ambulance, because Jar would have probably stared in dumbfounded shock for a few moments before thinking to do the responsible thing. “Jesus! What the hell?” Jar said once he finally recovered his ability to speak. “Will there be a day in this so-called vacation when Hunter [i]doesn’t[/i] wind up hospitalized?” He asked, using sarcasm to mask his worry about his friend and his discomfort at being so close to his now-recent ex that had just spat some serious venom at him the night before.