"Taming the wildlife huh? Never knew you were such an animal freak." He let's out a snicker and takes a better look at the animals. "So how do we know these animals won't simply rip us to shreds as soon as we get closer? And what if we have to go underwater? These beasts don't look like underwater creatures to me..." He pauses for a couple of seconds before letting out a sigh. "To be honest, I have no other ideas, so let's just go with it. If we fail with this, we might as well get the Argo and try it that way. I think I installed a submersible mod on that ship ages ago. Never got around to using it though." He takes a small leap and glides down to the beach, scattering the alien creatures as he lands on the sand. He quickly raises his arm, aims for the creatures and shoots a sedative dart at two of them. They go down with a thump while the rest of the animals swim and run away as fast as possible. He walks to the creatures and inspects them. "Yuck... Slimy. Dips on the Blue one!"