[b][center]Behind the Town[/center][/b] Westbrook dodged and rolled out of the way of almost every attack that came his way, only one was able to hit and it landed in his foot but he did not cry out or even flinch. He just grinned towards the group that was now forming near him, an evil grin as the whistle picked up more around him. Angpetu stood her ground, taking slow aim and waited for him to attack her. She had dealt with his kind before and there were many out there that were much faster than him but sadly he was still faster than her. It was something that could not be helped right then. She fired her rifle, the whizzing through the air and cutting through the sounds of the whistle as it did. The shot missed, going past his ear as he leaned to the left. Lunging at her she rolled onto her back, holding her rifle up to block his claws but they sliced through her hands and she dropped them. She felt weak as his claws wrapped into her shoulders and dug into her flesh but she let him. She did not fight the attack stilling her body as she slowed her breath and taking the pain and the feeling of the life force draining from her being. He took joy in the drain as a cold curl came to his lips and his eyes locked with hers. It all happened so fast and it seemed that Angpetu had just given up and accepted the attack. In a way she had but as she lay there, his eyes burrowing into her soul as he stole precious heart beat after heart beat her hand slipped down and pulled a dagger that seemed to be bladed not by steel but by a dark rock, looking similar to the arrow heads her people had used to centuries. Thrusting it up, she cut into his belly and pulled the sharpened rock through his gut, his intestines spilling out over her before he finally let her go and sprang back trying to hold his innards in. Angpetu crawled backwards and stumbled to her feet, her body covered with his blood as she held the makeshift blade in her hand. Westbrook looked down at his hands, slowly pulling them back to see the damage before falling to his knees, stunned by what had just happened. He had gotten over confident; a flaw that all the kin seemed to have when they were in mid-drain of the herd. The whistling seemed to die down around the group as Angpetu took long and slow ragged breaths, trying to compose herself. It wasn’t over and there was still more that had to be done but at least he had been rendered unable to move anymore to get out of the way. Looking back up at Angpetu, his eyes wide with disbelief, she could only smirk at him. “Flint dagger, works wonders on your kind,” she said as she held the blade up and moved it to gleam in the moon light. “Someone shoot him!” she yelled, her rifle having spilled a good twenty feet from her. She wanted to finish him but it would take several bullets to do it before she could complete the job. She didn’t know these people but now with Westbrook injured as much as he was, she knew a child could take him out with the right shot. “Aim for the head and the chest!” she added as she took a step back to make sure she was not in the way of any bullets coming towards the Nakani. Whatever bullets would hit would kill him but not a permanent death, which would have to be handled before he resurrected again. Gripping the blade tight in her hand she waited to do what she knew had to be done.