"You can't call dibs on wildlife!" Williams lets out a childish snicker and slides down to where Flynn is.The other animals can still be seen, now all on the shore running away. William goes to the weird grey colored beast that Flynn sedated. He pulls the dart out and gently grabs the animal. It's skin is slimy and sticky, but not to an unbearable level.They could easely ride these. He getnly pushes the creature to it's belly, being careful not to block up their nostrils. "Ok well this is how far I got in my plan. I rode horses before but these are different. I have no idea wher to mount them. Anyways, Flynn go get some vines from the forest, and a few of those big juicy leaves that are so irritating to cut. Let's make some saddles!" He inspects the creature to find a good spot to sit on.There is no similarity with horses whatsoever. It takes quite the time for him to find a spot, with careful pushes, to find a spot where the creature has it's ribs, and can be sat on.