Flynn grins and says: "Let's hope they don't like meat. That would be bad for us. Hey, I'm leaving 3Y3 here and gather that stuff for us." He unties 3Y3 and throws the small leash to Williams. Luckily, the hill they slid down wasn't that steep. The annoying part was that sand was terrible to climb. Flynn let's out a sigh and begins the climb, occasionally slipping away in the sand and risking falling on his face and sliding back down. But after a solid 5 minutes of climbing he finally set's foot on solid ground. He turns around and waves down at Williams to signal he made it back up. Flynn extends his wrist blade and starts hacking away at the vegetation. Vines and big leaves fall before the might of the steel blade. After a while Flynn turns around to see at the path he carved. With a smile on his face he starts picking up the vines and leaves that Williams asked for. "Yuck... These are kinda sticky. Will have to wash my jacket after this." He shakes his head and makes his way back to the beach. Williams was still there, checking the beast over. He slides down the hill and greets Williams with soft kick against the shins. "Kinda got my hands full. Hope you didn't make love to that poor beast."