~~ Meanwhile, back with our Fuzzy Buddy ~~ Maarcuu sighed as he heard that their possibility to escape the planet was in fact gone, thanks to the actions of his new best friend 'Rectja'. As Vash approached him and commanded he investigate more on the ship, Maarcuu nodded. [b]"With Maarcuu's new armour, nobody will know who Maarcuu is, so Maarcuu could infiltrate the docks with ease!"[/b] He claimed before he heard Alice shouting that she didn't want to help. [b]"Maarcuu may need Alice's assistance. Alice can access more information then Maarcuu could ever dream of. Besides, HK-55 needs a translator."[/b] The Beastman said with a chuckle as HK-55 gave him an unenthusiastic array of beeps. As the group began to walk away, Maarcuu grabbed a small device Vash had left behind containing a link to Alice's comm-systems. He quickly placed it in his helmet and threw it on before he grabbed his blaster rifle and began to walk into the streets of Norrux Mirugal. Making his way to the Level 3 docking bays, Maarcuu acquired guidance from several sources until he finally arrived. Once he was there, he saw a young [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/310/9/8/just_another_alien_by_insanity_engine-d2kcpxh.png]LokLok[/url] standing by the docking bay doors. "HALT-CHUKA!" The bug like alien called out as it raised one of its four arms. "What is your business in the docking bay-Chuka?" It was commonly known that the LokLok's planetary culture believed that finishing every sentence with their first name was very polite, much like how Beastmen normally spoke in third person, or how the Morelelgia of Poosh communicated by letting loose powerful (yet extremely musical sounding) farts. [b]"Maa-"[/b] Maarcuu began to say before he remembered that he was a wanted man. If he wanted to speak to somebody about something, he'd have to use a fake name. Then, he got an idea. Extended his arm so he looked at his wrist, he activated a holographic device that the suit had built into it. After browsing through a few files, he found the "Norrux Mirugal Docking Bay Pass" that the previous owner of the suit had used. Rather then speak, the Beastman presented the pass to the LokLok guard. "Ah, well then Mister "Josin Marl", proceed to the docking bay-Chuka. Shall I have a crew prepare your ship for you-Chuka?" The LokLok asked before Maarcuu's eyes went wide underneath his helmet. A ship?! The bounty hunter had a ship?! This was a lucky turn of events! Maybe finally they could get off of this bloody rock! With a casual shake of his head to indicate he wanted none of the things that the alien asked him about, Maarcuu proceeded into the hanger bay and checked the deck number on his pass. Reaching the dock platform where "his" ship was located, Maarcuu cursed to himself silently as he saw the ship. It was indeed a perfectly preserved [url=http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080821014931/starwars/images/4/4c/Z-95_Headhunter.jpg]Gala-Cruiser 860 with Turbo Shot blasters and a Rëüs Warp Drive modulator[/url], a ship which Maarcuu had always wanted, but it only fit one person. At least he knew he had it at his disposal and could return for it later on with HK-55 to help him pilot it, but he needed to find the ship he was told to locate. As he was getting ready to walk away from the ship in hopes to find the one used by Noferktii, he heard a booming deep voice coming from further down the corridor. As he turned his head, he watched two people approach from the East. One of them was a dark and scuzzy looking man who Maarcuu recognized as the man who tried to steal HK-55 from him the previous day. Thankfully, the droid had gone along with Zuzen and the others to see that Doctor so it could acquire more data about Norrux Mirugal. The second creature, however, was a [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/045/a/d/evil_alien_by_blaze_san-d5uxkms.png]Raximotoriphalupagorian[/url] who appeared to be another bounty hunter by his outfit and weapons. Maarcuu quickly pretended to act like he was investigating the ship that was now his as the two approached him, before the scruffy man opened his eyes in a shocked expression. "Leaving already, Josin?" The man asked with a sinister grin as he folded his arms. "I'm shocked. Truly the 'greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy' would have stayed here for days until he found his prize. Need I remind you that Rectja wants the G.L.I.P. Beastman and is willing to pay anything to acquire him?" Maarcuu's blood froze with fear as he was chatted up by the sinister man. He worked for Rectja? More importantly, if he knew who the bounty hunter was, then surely he would recognize the voice difference that the two owners of the armour shared. However, in a sudden shocking event, the Beastman began to speak in a different voice. This voice was much deeper then his own and seemed to resemble that of a human action film hero. [b]"Jos- I mean, I've got other things to take care of. You two can give the bounty to somebody else.. I don't want it."[/b] Maarcuu said with his new voice, which Ana had secretly fashioned so he could remain incognito. The scruffy man chuckled menacingly and shrugged before he motioned to the Raximotophali to follow as they walked away. Curious about what he was doing there, Maarcuu decided it was time to find out more about Rectja. [b]"Hey, boys! Wait up! I may not want the bounty on that little Runt of a Beastman, but I'm still interested in working for Rectja. Do you guys know of anything that's coming up I could use to my advantage to get on his good side?"[/b] Maarcuu asked as he dashed over to the men and patted them on the back as they walked. This struck them as odd, but then again, they knew very little about the bounty hunter they thought was standing in front of them. With a smirk, the Raximotophali turned to the scruffy looking man and said "Hdeea ka juaga niuyag piuav!" with a laugh. The scruffy man chuckled and turned to Maarcuu as he said "Well, if you're keen on getting on Rectja's good side... Then you may want to check out the Pan-Galactic Level 4 Speeder Races that's happening in two days. Come on, we'll talk more about it with you. We were actually just heading to check out the main prize.." Maarcuu was suddenly struck with surprise at this. A race? He could totally win that if he managed to acquire the right tools. Maarcuu nodded as he followed behind the two men, before they came to a massive [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/357/7/9/ea01_areon_by_calates-d6z1mge.png]ship[/url] in the furthest loading bay. "Here she is, Josin. Our boy's took it as payment from the crew a little earlier this week. Rectja sent his regards and told us to leave none alive. She's called "The Blaze Star", and she's fast. From what our engineers said, she can make the Kessel run in less then 5 Par-secs. She's got state of the art technology, room enough for two small portable ships. You know, something small-ish like those Gala-Cruisers. But she's not only fast, but dangerous. The boys made some "special adjustments" to her, so now she has 6 Prime Ultra-Photon Cannons, automatic blaster turrents, a storage of about 98 Missiles, both Heat Seeking and Concussion, as well as tons of storage space for transporting goods, or smuggling things off this rock. Starting price on the market would be Eighty Thousand Credits, but thanks to the Omnipotent One's great generosity, whoever wins the race will get this baby for free, as well as a little extra on top." The scruffy man said as he examined the ship, walking around it proudly. Maarcuu was in total awe. This was slowly turning into the best day of his life. Not only did he now possess the Galcti-Cruiser model like he always wanted, but now there was a great chance to win the group a one way, first class ticket off of Norrux Mirugal. Maarcuu stopped marvelling at the ship and cleared his throat with a chuckle. [b]"Alright then, boys, I've only got one thing to ask.. Where do I sign up for this tournament?"[/b]