Durin nodded at the Jarl's request. So, there was more money for him in this place. "Dead bandits I can do. And judging by the sounds of the damage from the report, it's clear that there's a group here. I'd be stupid to try and attack them alone. I'll accept any help that can be found." Durin said. He turned to the Jarl's wife, nodding in a respectful, but curt way. "Very well. I'll check the shops first." With that, the mercenary left the longhouse, heading toward what appeared to be a shop. By Durin's reasoning was that the man that had survived would likely want to report the failure of his delivery to whoever was in charge of the store at the destination. There, he saw an old man and the shopkeeper. Durin approached, waving to signal that he meant no harm. "Hello, gentlemen. My name is Durin, and I'm a travelling mercenary. I've been asked to investigate the bandit attack, and to head out with some others to take care of them." Durin explained, before turning to the man who had been in the convoy delivering to the town. "So, your the survivor of the bandit attack. Mind if I ask exactly how many bandits you saw, if you can recall?" Durin asked, hoping that he'd get at least some sort of idea of the numbers he and the group would be dealing with. While waiting for an answer, he turned to what he presumed to be the shopkeeper. "What exactly was on that shipment that was coming in?" If it was weapons, caution would need to be exercised in order to ensure that everyone made it out alive. Durin would also try to see if he could return even some of the supplies.