The time passed by as the day dragged on. A day full of note taking and listening to lectures on geometry and english literature. Michelle worked diligently through the day, but soon it would be over. As Michelle packed up her stuff during the last minute of the school day, the bell rang, and Michelle made her way out of the classroom and into the hallway. There, she started to make plans on how to spend the day. First off came homework. Not the most exciting way to spend a Friday afternoon, sure, but it was necessary. Michelle reckoned she would take an hour or so to do some of it, then she would do what she [i]really[/i] wanted to do: Deep Ground. Yup, the same old same old. She would head for her usual farming site and rack up some EXP from both mobs and players. Making her way through her usual path back to her dorm, she entered her room and locked the door behind her. Michelle sat down at her desk, then pulled out a sheet of paper. Some people called Michelle old-fashioned for using paper instead of simply typing on her interface, but she took joy in knowing that she had better grades than most others in her classes. She opened the textbook on her interface, then sighed when she saw the mass of text in front of her. She would much prefer logging into DGO, but she had her standards to follow.