So I finally made it into the Chatzy and saw the message from Myst. I just want to address what she said. [i]"Myst: I hate all of this fighting. I want to come back but I can't take all of the hostility. We are friends. We have been friends for over a year. If it's anyone's fault the rp died it is mine. You can't have an rp without the gm. So blame me, where the blame belongs. I can't help the things that have happened in my life, losing my home and living with my aunt and her spotty wifi, but I am trying to come back for you guys and for the rp because I miss all of you so much Myst: But please, I am begging you : stop fighting. If it is this big of a deal we will have two rp groups, one on rpg and one on iwaku. I will try to be in both and then can choose to be in one or both. We will have different plots and characters but the same universe. Who knows, maybe at some point the two plots can crossover"[/i] I'm not sure I'd call the exchange above a full-blown argument, but here's the thing: it would be very silly of us to split our RP group into two over this. Cal brought the idea of moving up initially, I thought it was a fair idea, I started a vote and moving got more votes. That's simply how it is. Neither Cal or myself or whomever voted for it wants to move simply because we have friends there. [u]Iwaku has better tools for advertising as it has a banner rotation[/u]. Even if you hate Iwaku, there's nothing here that's not offered there. I really should not even have to argue for this when a vote was done fairly. As Myst seems fine with it being on either site, I do not see the point in discussing this further. If it completely bombs there, whatever, we can always come back. I feel the move would seriously be a great boon to the RP regardless. I think we should start discussing plot details for the new thread (I was thinking we go with the community idea we were throwing around a while back) and start work on making a thread over on that site.