[b]Morning[/b] Emma had bid farewell to Rebecca, whom she now affectionately Smurfette, but not before leaving her cell phone number with her. [b][i][color=Lightblue]If you need any more help feel free to call me,[/color][/i][/b] she had told her, before waving and [i]running[/i] to class, uncharacteristically late. She didn't regret helping Rebecca, of course, even if she had made her late. Emma was more than ready to put others ahead of herself. [hr] [b]Philosophy[/b] Emma wasn't one to daydream. She was always focused on class, even in the ones typically considered boring, and that went double-so for Philosophy. It was an odd class for most students, but one that Emma took great delight in. Similarly it had one of the lowest class sizes in Purple Crown Academy. It was an optional and entirely niche class, and truthfully didn't satisfy any requirements, but it did give elective credits, so Emma took it thinking she might find an interest in it. She wasn't wrong. Most couldn't endure as much 'lecture' as she heard in her school day, instead opting to fall asleep or take less-intensive classes, but she didn't shy away from it. Today's topic was [i]Ethics of Deep Ground Online[/i]. It was one that was very controversial with the Purple Crown faculty, for obvious reasons, but was allowed due to it's relevance to course materials. On the initial integration of Virtual Reality gaming into the education system the ethical nature of the system was hotly debated, but as it became integrated into society the opposition was slowly suppressed. Now it was merely accepted as cultural convention. But, of course, many still silently challenged it. One such person was Mr. Leonardo Roche, Emma's father. Another such person was the Professor of Philosophy at Purple Crown, Mr. Meissner. After explaining the various facets of the argument with thinly veiled bias he opened the class up to debate. [b]"I would like ten students to come up to the front for a debate about 'DGO'. First, five that are Pro-DGO."[/b] Several students raised their hand, Emma not included. A few people looked at her expectantly. Emma [i]always[/i] volunteered, to many people's bemusement. Most turned away after a moment, assuming she must've wanted to argue for the other side. When the call went out for the Anti-DGO students many, including Mr. Meissner, looked towards her. She didn't raise her hand. The surprise was evident in many's faces. She had a reputation among many in the school, but she had no idea what she thought. The class continued without her, with little fanfare. [b][i][color=Lightblue]Is DGO a good thing? Nothing makes sense about it, but it seems so... normal. Like it's a part of everything and there's nothing that can be done.[/color][/i][/b] The rest of the class did not enlighten her. [hr] [b]Present[/b] Emma returned home. She was by herself, again. [b][i][color=Lightblue]It's always so lonely around here, it's like Mom and Dad aren't even around. Always working. Is this something that can be blamed on DGO?[/color][/i][/b] Emma simply didn't no what to think about the game. [b][i][color=Lightblue]To think that a game can decide your life. Not only that, but also turn fake power into real power. The kings aren't just people who run guild in a game, they practically are treated like real kings.[/color][/i][/b] Her misgivings about DGO were growing. The final question was: Is it wrong to play it? It wasn't for her to answer. She was going to play it, and she was going to win. In a metaphorical sense. It was of course impossible to actually win DGO. As she stepped into her room she gave a passing glass to her textbooks. She should study at some point. [b][i][color=Lightblue]But I'm already far ahead in all my classes... with A+'s. Is there a need to?[/color][/i][/b] She shook her head. She would. [i]Later.[/i] She promised herself. For now she had issues to attend to in DGO. There was a meeting today for her new guild, and she had orders to eliminate Outlaws within Black Kingdom lines. She couldn't help but think, [b][i][color=lightblue]Am I up for this? I guess I don't really have a choice, or risk being kicked out by Moon Rider. Do or die... not literally.[/color][/i][/b] She strode over to her bed and laid down. [i][b][color=Lightblue]I can also stop by and see if Moon Rider is around. I can't help but feel there's more to her than meets the eye. Plus, I'm sure she could use a friend, she seems quite lonely.[/color][/b][/i] Emma let the link to DGO take her over. [center]3 2 1[/center] [hr] [h3][u][center][b]Welcome, Newt[/b][/center][/u][/h3] [hr]