[h2][color=thistle]Faded Scars[/color][/h2] [b][color=thistle]"Finaaallly,"[/color][/b] Kosuke said, [b][color=thistle]"Ramen!"[/color][/b] Maths had been terrible but it was finished now. He'd spent all his energy on English that morning and the math teacher had decided that today was a good day to pound three exercises worth of equations into the class. Now that was all over and he could treat himself to one of his favorite foods, ramen. [b][color=thistle]"Let's go with original flavour today."[/color][/b] He said, pulling a packet out of the pantry and boiling some water. Ramen was cheap, tasty and filling. He ate it for most of his meals because he couldn't get enough of it. But he was aware that it was sort of bad for his health to only be eating ramen which is why he still ate other things from time to time. Actually, saying 'other things' is sort of stretching it a little bit, the only other things he actually ate were tuna dishes of various descriptions. And he also drank his milk every day, although that wasn't saying a lot. Those were the three biggest loves in his life at that point; ramen, tuna and milk. But once, he had a fouth. The one he had loved above all the others and the one which he could no longer bear the sight of. Even now his heart longed for it, but he knew he would not be able to stand it. Spaghetti. It all began 10 years ago... (song loosely based on [url=https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&sqi=2&ved=0CB4Q3ywwAGoVChMI3tjRneS2xwIVJNimCh2cqQgc&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DSW-BU6keEUw&ei=FFLVVd7-KqSwmwWc06LgAQ&usg=AFQjCNH2dcDpa3_t--E7AYTelrFW83QHBg&sig2=UZVCV85BR2ZfAYvxggo3qA&bvm=bv.99804247,d.dGY]this[/url]) [i]Palms sweaty, knees weak arms spaghetti There's vomit on his spaghetti already, mom's spaghetti He's nervous, but on the surface he's Mom's spaghetti Spaghetti[/i] On his first day of school, like all of the other children he'd been hopeful. A new day, a new experience, a new environment, it had all been so new to him. But that day he'd met the one who would plunge him into the depths of darkness, who would corrupt the thing he loved the most in the world. [i]Snap back to spaghetti, Oh, there goes gravity Oh, there goes spaghetti, he choked He's so mad but he won't Give up spaghetti nope, he won't have it It don't matter, he knows Even though his back's to the ropes[/i] He instantly knew he hated him. The annoying kid had latched onto him as soon as Kosuke walked in the door and he refused to let go. To his parents and his teachers he looked to be his first friend but Kosuke knew differently. He tried his best to make it clear but it didn't seem to matter, he was everywhere. In school he made a bee-line for Kosuke, in class he would always get the both of them into trouble and his parents even let him into their house because he said he was his 'friend'. [i]You gotta lose yourself In Mom's spaghetti You've got to never let it go You better lose yourself This spaghetti only comes once in a lifetime[/i] The final straw came when he was sitting down to his favourite meal, his mom's spaghetti. Even though they were Japanese she still made the best spaghetti he'd ever tasted. His 'friend' barged in and Kosuke told him to go away because he was eating. This was the exact moment he decided never to open up to anyone ever again. He asked Kosuke what his favourite foods were, Kosuke had told him his mom's spaghetti, tuna and milk. He learned the meaning of regret that day, as without hesitation his 'friend' grabbed those very things from around his house and put them in his spaghetti. Then he held Kosuke down and forced him to eat the disgusting concoction. [i]The Spaghetti's escaping, From the hole that is gaping The spahetti's mine for the taking Make me spaghetti as we move towards a new spaghetti... Spaghetti... Spaghettispaghetispaghettispaghetti...[/i] He couldn't eat spaghetti, tuna or milk for a long time. The only thing he could eat was something distinctly not spaghetti, so mostly he would only eat ramen. Even though it still had noodles, its flavour was entirely different. Over time he became able to eat tuna and milk again but never spaghetti. Even today he'd become afraid if he were faced with spaghetti. But that feeling wasn't the same for the one who had subjected him to the torment. To him, he only had barely restrained rage. Even at 6 he really had to stop himself from slamming the kid's head into the wall every day. They moved out soon enough and now he really didn't care about the kid anymore. He pushed back his bowl as he slurped up the last noodle and he was notified of a new message. [b][color=thistle]"New targets, huh?"[/color][/b] He said. He'd only gotten one day off and new targets already... Actually wait a minute. [i][color=thistle]Flan... Flan...[/color][/i] The name sounded familiar. [i][color=thistle]Wasn't there someone called Flan joining the Black King yesterday?[/color][/i] He was pretty sure there was. They'd had so little presence he barely noticed them, and they probably hadn't done anything major either. But that just made him more interested. [quote] [b]To:[/b] Arms Slave [b]From:[/b] Rocket Lancer [b]Subject:[/b] RE: Business I'll be taking Flan, I should be fine by myself. Also, If anyone's going after Dunk Master or Jukebox, I want in. [/quote] His interactions with other sweepers were brief. He was aware he wasn't very high in the hierarchy but he didn't exactly want to be any higher than he already was. All he really wanted to do was be a damn good sweeper. He finished washing up his bowl and went over to change out of his school uniform. With that done, he jumped into his bed and started the program. His vision faded to black and he was in. [center]3...[/center] [center]2...[/center] [center]1...[/center] [hr] [center][h2]Welcome [color=yellow]Rocket Lancer[/color][/h2][/center] [hr]