[hider=Drallinix] Character name: Marcus Kaizer (only known to bloodshot and himself) Alias: Drallinix age: 18 weight: 180 lbs body type: athletic powers: So far he has demonstrated that he is on peak physical human level. He can run as fast as an Olympic runner and lift around 1200lbs. Other than this he has a seeming tenacity for survival, he isn't immortal, but he will literally keep fighting until his body breaks. His will to live is unprecedented and his anger can sustain him for a few moments alone. abilities: Much like his teacher Drallinix has shown extreme prowess in marksmanship with both rifles and pistols. His preferred firearm is marksman rifles, but he is proficient in all but the most exotic. He was trained by Bloodshot in the use of melee weapons and can wield most with proficiency. His personal favorites are a longsword, katana, and staff, however he has been seen using nunchuks and knives before. He specializes in unarmed combat however is also talented in the other areas. Much like a chip off the old block Drall can analyze and react to situations very quickly. He tends to be analytical and calculating, but in times of extreme pain he can become violent and irrational. While he is not the scientist or tactician his mentor is, Drall possesses a flair for unpredictability in combat that tends to give him an edge. Equipment: Armor. Of similar make and design to bloodshot's though in a much lighter variant. The carbon nanotubes are bonded to achieve maximum flexibility while still maintaining their protective qualities. The primary difference is the much smaller plates, and the shape and design of the helmet. Drall wears a body glove of the same make as Bloodshot's underneath his armor. Sacrificing the nanotube cooling layer Drall's armor has added reinforced armor on the shins and forearms for his specialization in hand to hand combat. His armor features the same electronics as Bloodshot's allowing him to get battlefield information in an instant. Weapons: 1-G3 semi-automatic marksman rifle with iron sights and a 15 round magazine. He carries four additional magazines in his belt. 1-9mm handgun with 10 rounds in the magazine worn on his right leg. 1-double edged knife, made of the same titanium-carbon alloy as Bloodshot's sword but much shorter at only 9" worn on his left leg. 1-retracable staff similar to Bloodshot's however lacking the electrical abilities it is made of the same metal as his knife. Worn attached to his belt. 3- fragmentation grenades for demolition and combat purposes. Worn inside his belt for easy access. Weaknesses: Even though he was trained by the ruthless mercenary, Drall lacks Bloodshot's physical enhancements. Beneath the armor and weapons he is just a man, a physically fit and extremely athletic man, but a man nonetheless. personality: Proud and angry, Drall tends to fight with rage, though not even he can say at what. He isn't the perfect soldier, or even the perfect person but he does what he can. His major redeeming quality is his strong will and iron resolve. If he believes in something he will stop at nothing to see it through. History: He grew up with Bloodshot, not by choice, but because Bloodshot was there after his parents were killed. He watched them both be murdered before his eyes, right before Bloodshot dispatched the man responsible to collect his bounty. The boy had nowhere else to go so he followed Bloodshot, much to the merc's disliking and surprise. However the boy showed such tenacity that eventually he was taken in, and he begged Bloodshot to train him. He wasn't much older than 8 but he needed to know what the mercenary knew so he could rid the world of scum of the like that had killed his parents. For years Marcus was trained in secret by Bloodshot, learning how to fire most weapons and studying hand to hand combat intensively. Finally he has reached the age where he can accompany the mercenary on assignments, and has even begun to take his own. This is the beginning of his story.[/hider]