Observation was a key element to defeating an opponent. Drall watched the Large man wearing combat gear eat a hotdog and sit on a bench. He watched the man incinerate a wrapper in his hands, watched him talk to his weapon, observed how he moved. Finally as the man was in conversation Drall decided to make his move. He was in front of the man, though his opponent would be unlikely to notice seeing as Drall was inside the building opposite the street, and his opponent didn't seem to focused on locating him. Honestly he had never understood why all these people expected a straight up fight in the first place, it wasn't like he was going to parade around with a sign over his head. Leveling his G3 Drall aimed and slowly released his breath. As the crosshairs centered directly between the other man's eyes Drall squeezed the trigger. A resounding gunshot went off as Drall's rifle kicked and the round tore through the window leaving a hole as it rocketed towards the other man's unprotected head.