[color=ff4040]"Up high!"[/color] As the crack echoed through the intersection Luis leaned to the right, letting the bullet whizz by the side of his head to bury itself in the sidewalk behind him. As civilians began running and screaming like the panicked lemmings they were, he stood, fire and smoke erupting from the gash in his cheek where the bullet had grazed him. [color=ff4040]"That shot came from the building across from you. Up high, probably fourth or fifth floor."[/color] [color=red]"Got it."[/color] He quickly scanned the office building immediately ahead of him, quickly locating the only pane of glass with a neat little hole in it. He raised his machine gun up at the window and cocked it nice and loud, before pulling a slip of paper from his pocket and reading aloud from it, yelling so his adversary could hear him. [color=red]"Marcus Kaizer! You are wanted by the Federation of Kremainn for general violence against its employees, killing several senior members of their research staff and...pirating their copyrighted software and distributing it on the Ethernet? Really? Dude that's so lame! The piracy part, not the killing part!"[/color] Luis crumpled the paper and burnt it as he leveled his machine gun at where he knew the shooter was laid out. [color=red]"Anyway, my contract says dead or alive, so I'm just going to assume dead is the better option, but just in case, I'm gonna give you five seconds to surrender! Five!"[/color] [color=ff4040]"This is not going to work."[/color] [color=red]"Four! Hush Renny he's going down one way or another."[/color] From his back, his shotgun piped up. He felt the angry young daemon bounce gently against his back as he woke up to the sounds of yelling, screaming and general mayhem. [color=d29f09]"Huh wha? What's going on?"[/color] [color=red]"We're on a bounty run, Ira. Three!"[/color] [color=d29f09]"A bounty? Where! Where! Lemme at him!"[/color] All that bouncing around woke up the rest of his weapons. His machete and pistol both rumbled into life as he remained focused on the window. [color=f1f14f]"What's going on? What's with all the yelling?"[/color] [color=6e78f6]"We're on a mission again, looks like."[/color] [color=red]"Shut up guys you'll ruin the tough guy thing I got going. Two!"[/color] [color=d29f09]"Just shut up and shoot him already!"[/color] [color=ff4040]"Guys everyone calm down just let Luis do his thing okay -"[/color] [color=6e78f6]"You have the upper hand Luis don't let your opponent take that away from you -"[/color] [color=f1f14f]"Fellas give him time to think -"[/color] [color=red]"You know what fuck this."[/color] He squeezed Ren's trigger and unleashed a volley of fire at the office building. The bolts of pure hellfire that the machine gun spat were not as accurate, but there were so many of them it'd be just about certain death if his adversary did not move.