[hider=link23454:][list][*]Real Name: Darrin Guillot[*]Player Name: link23454 (aka: Link or D)[*]Color: [color=FF1493]DeepPink or FF1493[/color][*]Nationality: America[*]Description: [img]http://www2.picturepush.com/photo/a/13422735/img/13422735.jpg[/img][*]Alignment: Neutral Good[*]Real Life Story(job and living status is fine): Currently a computer programmer, and lives alone in a high security complex.[*]Role in-game:[list][*]Goes in unhanded, as this SAO allows unhanded combat.[*]Tries to draw the attention of all attackers slower than him.[*]Has unparalleled speed with his hands and legs. Everything else though? …………………[/list][*]Why are they playing?: Honestly for the money. Even if the money is a lie, at least he feels that something good could come out of attempting the game.[*]Play Style Focus: If the story/lore is interesting, he will focus less on what he is getting and his stats. Otherwise, he likes stats and items more.[list][*]Stats:[list][*]Level: 1[*]STR: 17[*]VIT: 17[*]AGI: 16[*]DEX: 16[*]HIT: 17[*]DGE: 17[*]HP: 250/250[/list] [*]Weapon: Unhanded [list] [*]DMG: 0 [*]SPD: 30 [*]GVN: STR [/list] [*]Armor [list] [*]Head: Starter Gear: +1 [*]Arm: Starter Gear: +1 [*]Chest: Starter Gear: +1 [*]Legs: Starter Gear: +1 [*]Neck: [*]Charm: [*]Ring 1: [*]Ring 2: [/list] [*]ATK: 26 [*]DEF: 29 [/list] [/list] [/hider]