[center] [h1]Sarin Raekyn[/h1] [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/b600/f/2011/191/d/4/stupid_female_paladin_by_swerc-d3lklej.jpg[/img] Physical Form: A tall, beautiful woman, standing at 5'11", with long blonde hair and brown eyes, with flecks of gold speckled in. She is muscular, yet attractive and slim, even with the scars that mark her body. Abilities: [i][color=Gold][u]Holy Fire -[/u] Sarin summons a ball of holy flame, that burns evil creatures and constructs, and lights up the area, as if it was in sunlight. Against creatures of the night, this is similarly effective.[/color][/i] [i][color=Gold][u]Consecrate -[/u] Sarin purifies an area, person, or object/construct, freeing it from curses, mind-altering effects, and all negative energies.[/color][/i] [i][color=Gold][u]Divine Sword -[/u] Sarin summons a giant sword, which is formed from divine energy, and floats above her. She is able to control it with her mind, but it is easier to control it by synching it up with her normal weapon. [/color][/i] [i][color=Gold][u]Divine Wrath: Purge -[/u] Sarin calls upon the power of Heaven's Gates to grant her next ability or attack the ability to multiply it's power tenfold. [/color][/i] [i][color=Gold][u]Sense Evil -[/u] Sarin can sense evil in all forms, from lying, to concealment, to the specific location in a building where an imp is attacking a family.[/color][/i] [i][color=Gold][u][LOCKED]Create Temple -[/u] Sarin creates a holy area, in which she has almost complete control over what happens. However, this can only be created in one spot in one world, forcing her to save it, or place it strategically. Also, it takes a lot out of her, forcing her to recover for weeks afterward.[/color][/i] [i][color=Gold][u]Leadership -[/u] Sarin is an inspiring leader, pure of heart, selfless, and caring. She regrets every death, except those of that would harm the innocent.[/color][/i] [i][color=Gold][u]Weapons Master -[/u] Sarin can fight with almost any weapon, including magical or technological ones, understanding them completely the moment she touches them. [/color][/i] Personality: Sarin is kind, benevolent, and perfect in almost every way. She cares for everyone, and will do anything to purge evil from the face of the earth. However, she has gotten a bit sarcastic, in the eons, and is a bit sad, having seen what she had. Wants/Needs: Sarin is a strong Paladin, so she wants to save everyone from all evil, creating a perfect world where everyone can live in harmony. Relationships: Hidden! Backstory: Unknown to everyone. Will be revealed later. (It's a surprise! :D ) Other ((OOC)): [/center]